
Rate my word!!! - Shrub?

by  |  earlier

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How funny is the word shrub. Not the meaning but the sound of the word. Say it out loud or in your head a few times until it loses it's attached meaning. Then rate how funny it is using whatever scale you like.

I'm awarding it 9 and a third stingrays short of a Deca-Irwin.




  1. I thought the word shrub was a garden plant or something?

  2. Sounds kinda gangsta. (shruub) 7

  3. its not your word, i rate u as a 1

  4. 10/10 for me!

    It sounds pumpshiful (thats my word)


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  5. Shrub.  


  6. Right, well I think that any word if you repeat it often enough sounds odd in the end.

    I will award this word 3 scroobii

  7. Shrub......rub....grub

  8. How's that YOUR word?

    And I prefer "Shrubbery".

  9. 9-rated aswell, you are some person! Shrub! That kills it! You know how to make jokes dude!

  10. On a scale from 1-10... 8. It is pretty fun to say. lol  

  11. shrubbery is a much funnier word.

  12. i prefer 'shrubbery', like in the monty python films, pmsl  'a small shrubbery'   i rate it a 9.46 out of 10  :-)

  13. Deca-Irwin is a funnier word.

  14. 3.625

  15. yeah its pretty funny.  

  16. That word doesn't belong to you.

  17. hahaha, i deserves an 8.

  18. I like shrubbing...

  19. 6 out of 10, i prefer the word giblets....

  20. I believe that was arldy a word  

  21. hmmmm I give it a 6

  22. I award it a 7, my favorite word is benches.

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