
Rate these languages (from 10: you like best to 1 : you dislike)official UNO languages (except English)?

by  |  earlier

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English is excluded for obvious reasons.

Languages to be rated : Chinese, Spanish, Russian, French, Arabic.

Marks could be from 10 to 1 (8,7,4 and so on...)




  1. Chinese - 5

    Spanish - 8

    Russian - 7

    French - 7

    Arabic - 5

    Everyones language is good for them

    But i think these either sound the coolest, or are the most practical, or both.

  2. Chinese: 1, Spanish: 8, Russian: 10, French: 10, Arabic: 1.

  3. French 10

    Spanish 7

    Arabic 5

    Chinese 3

    Russian 2

  4. Chinese - 5

    Spanish -10

    Russian -8

    French - 6

    Arabic - 1

  5. 10 greek, 9 french, 8 italian, 7 spanish, 6 russian, 4 swedish, 3 turkish, 2 arabic, 1chinese.

    I took the liberty of adding some more languages. I hope you won't find it distractive.

    May I ask, why do you ask this question?

    One more thing, all these languages, except chinese and arabic (and maybe turkish) share a common base: latin and ancient greek.

    I hope I helped.

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