
Rate this dragon deck homie?

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i havent made this deck yet but tell me if u think it'll work


luster dragonX3

exploder dragonX3

time wizard

baby dragon

divine dragon ragnarok

lord of D.X2

curse of dragon

gaia the fierce knight

buster blader

dark magician

summoned skull

red eyes black dragon

blue eyesX3

horus lv4[optional

horus lv6

horus lv8


lightning vortex

monster reborn

summoner's artX3

ancient rulesX3

flute of summoning dragon X2


mausoleum of the emporerX2 or X3

dragon's mirrorX2

fusion gateX2-


royal decree X2 or X3


thousand dragon

king dragun

gaia the dragon champion

dark paladin

black skull dragon

blue eyes ult.

5 headed dragon

the purpose is to draw summoners art,ancient rules, flute, lord of d,reasoning,mausoleum of emporer to summon my normal monsters

also try to fuse along the way

horus king dragun and royal decree will eliminate almost everything

dark paldin will be strong

what you think of it




  1. for 1 thing, scratch the blue eyes ultimate, its pointless when u have 5 headed unless you plan on making dragon master knight. i myself have a dragon deck but i try and lay off the fusions, try to include tyrant dragon and maybe a few decoys, they really kill later in the duel. also maybe add in some more lower lvl monsters as you have the same problem as me: too many tributes even with Lord of D and etc.

  2. Well dude, to be honest I wouldnt give this decklist too high of a rating, it runs into quite a bit of problems, especially the no traps. If you want my opinion of a pretty good dragon deck. Here is a unique one I built myself complete with a full explanation of how it works.

    Deck List

    43 Cards.

    Monsters: 23

    X2 Cyber Dragon

    X1 Armed Dragon Lv 5

    X3 Tyrant Dragon

    X1 Armed Dragon Lv 2

    X3 Masked Dragon

    X2 Ruler of flame

    X2 UFO Turtle

    X1 Twin Headed Behemoth

    X1 Decoy Dragon

    X1 Exploder Dragon

    X3 Lord of D

    X1 Marshmallon

    X1 Spirit Reaper

    X1 Sangan

    Spells: 11

    X1 Smashing Ground

    X1 Brain Control

    X1 Shield Crush

    X1 Lightning Vortex

    X2 Shrink

    X1 Heavy Storm

    X1 Mystical Space Typhoon

    X1 Monster Reborn

    X1 Premature Burial

    X1 Flute of Summoning Dragon

    Traps: 9

    X1 Torrential Tribute

    X2 Sakuretsu Armor

    X1 Mirror Force

    X1 Dust Tornado

    X2 Bottomless Trap Hole

    X1 Magic Cylinder

    X1 Solemn Judgement

    The Strategies

    Alright! So at a first glance you may seem to think that some things are out of place, for instance the Ruler of Flames or the UFO Turtles. But the key monster to this deck build is Tyrant Dragon. The UFO turtles can help pull out monsters like Ruler of Flame if you are stuck with a Tyrant Dragon in your hand, they can also pull out a Decoy Dragon if you have one in your graveyard! And if neither of these are the case a UFO turtle can pull out a Masked Dragon which can chain to any dragon monster 1500atk or less such as Exploder Dragon or Twin Header Behemoth, even Armed Dragon Lv 2 for a free Armed Dragon Lv 5 summon. Sangan is a good deck searcher to pull out whichever monster suits your hand most conveniently such as Marshmallon or Spirit Reaper if your in need of defense, or a Lord of D if your carrying a Flute in your hand. Armed Dragon Lv 5 believe it or not was just not just randomly thrown in this deck. His ability can prove quite useful especially when combined with Tyrant Dragon if you want to throw him in the graveyard in a way that doesn’t put you into a card deficit, in other words you losing more cards than your opponent. This way you can use decoy dragon, premature burial, or monster reborn to call him back, although keep in mind his effect of the required tribute when he is special summoned from the graveyard. The next thing to address is the ratios of this deck! It may seem like there are too many monsters in comparison with magic/traps. This is actually not true! Because many cards in this deck are deck searching monsters, such as UFO Turtle and Sangan/ Masked Dragon, even Armed Dragon Lv 2 it’s a good thing to have a slightly higher than average number of monsters to keep balance. Now onto the Spell and Trap card explanations. The reason for most of them are self evident, although the 2 shrinks are placed in this deck because many monsters in this deck suffer from low attack power, shrink destroy any opposing monster who attacks if half there attack is not enough to destroy your monster, because this is almost never the case it is quite reliable. Lightning Vortex would be replaced for Hammer Shot, expect the discarding might be useful if your holding useless cards like Tyrant with no way to summon, or Decoy Dragon with no Tyrants in the graveyard, maybe a Lord of D with nothing to back it up and no Flute, or a Flute by itself. Dragon decks often suffer from ending up in this type of situation that’s why the cards in this deck are designed to allow the user to obtain whatever is necessary with there given hand, Similar to the ideas behind reinforcement of the army in a warrior toolbox deck. As for the Trap cards run in this deck, its pretty much common sense, don’t run too many for fear of Jinzo/ Royal Decree’s. Overall this deck proves to be pretty effective because the spell and traps prove to be able to aid the lower attack monsters enough to summon a Tyrant Dragon, which thanks to his ability of not being effected by traps when he attacks that specifically designate him, such as sakuretsu armor, he is more troublesome than most tribute monsters to destroy. Also another perk of having this monster be the center of the deck is that its very unlikely that your opponent will be able to use him against you effectively, because he cant be special summoned from the graveyard without the tribute of a dragon type monster! Enjoy this unique deck that will be sure to have all your friends guessing as to what’s up your sleeve next!

  3. It's pretty good, but you need more traps other than royal decree... like maybe magic cylinders!!!

  4. I think you need to rethink the deck. you're running many different themes (dragon fusion, High star Normal Summoning, protection etc. My advice is to drop some of the fusions and put some more base into the deck. Here is my suggestion:

    Monsters (21)

    3x Masked Dragon

    3x Troop Dragon

    2x Element dragon

    2x Horus the black flame dragon LV6

    2x Horus the black flame dragon LV8

    2x Lord of D

    2x Divine Dragon Ragnarok

    1x Twin-Headed Behemoth

    1x Spear Dragon

    1x Tyrant Dragon

    1x White Night Dragon

    1x Decoy Dragon

    Spells (16)

    2x The Flute of Summoning Dragon

    2x Fusion Gate

    2x Dragon's Mirror

    1x Future Fusion

    1x Heart of Clear Water

    1x Premature burial

    1x Mystical Space Typhoon

    1x Smashing Groung

    1x Super Rejuvenation

    1x Different Dimension Fusion

    1x Giant Trunade

    1x Lightning Vortex

    1x Swords of Rvealing Light

    Traps (5)

    1x Call of the Haunted

    1x Mirror Force

    1x Torrential Tribute

    2x Royal Decree

    Fusion Deck (6)

    3x 5-God Dragon

    3x King Dragoon

    This Deck has a few different win methods: firstly it can Lockdown with Horus LV8, King Dragoon and Royal Decree. Secondly, 5-God iis made really easy to summon either by having five dragons on the feild & in hand and using fusion gate OR by using dragon's mirror when five dragons are in the grave. D.D. Fusion is there should you pull off either of the above to allow a swarm. Finally, if a big dragon goes to grave (White Night or Tyrant) you can hold your opponent back with Decoy Dragon, becaue if they attack it, you get back one of the above and the attack goes to it.

    Hope this helped

  5. This is very good because you used a combine of random monsters and dragon monsters to fuse .. need more traps but ill give 8.5/10

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