
Rate this joke 1-10. 10 being the best?

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A guy walks into a bar and orders 3 shots of Jack Daniels and slams them all down in a flash. He looks at the bartender and orders 3 more and does the same thing. By now the bartender is wondering what is wrong with this guy so he asks him what his problem is. The guy looks up and says " I don't have a problem, I'm celebrating my first blowi job!"

The bartender looks with a smile and says," well that's just dandy, let me get the next one!"

"No thanks", says the guy, "if 6 shots won't wash the taste out, the 7th won't help either!!!"




  1. ha ...8

  2. haha 7 and 8 is a lot funny

    i love it

    their coool

  3. 3 1/2

    not to funny

  4. lol   8/10

  5. ugg...******* by a man... 6

  6. ermmm an 8 lol its good

  7. make it an 8

  8. um a 3 i really did not get it sry =[

  9. about a 6.  Funny, but a little sick.

  10. good one...8

  11. That was quite good, I'll give it a 9, for the humour...!

  12. 7and a half

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