
Rate this pokemon pearl team from 1-10 and how i can improve?

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feraligatr@leftovers lvl86


-ice punch


-swords dance


luxray@choise band lvl69

-fire fang


-ice fang



staraptor@choise scarf lvl72

-brave bird

-close combat


-aerial ace


dusknior@leftovers lvl70

-shadow sneak

-thunder punch


-pain split


dragonite@leftovers lvl64

-dragon dance

-dragon claw

-fire punch (for ice types)

-focus punch


porygon-z@leftovers lvl67


-tri attack


-ice beam




  1. ur team is good just work on there levels  9.9

  2. i would say your team right now is about a 9.5.  here is how you can be a 10.

    first catch heatran in stark mountain you will find him after you  let the guy with the red hair get the magma stone and then find the guy in the red hair in a house and heatran will appear at the end of stark mountain.  he will be at level 70 bring 25-30 dusk balls because he is in a cave, 10 timer balls, 2 quick balls and 30 ultra balls i caught him with a dusk ball.  then transfer regice,registeel,and regirock to your pearl game.  after that go to the temple in snowpoint city which hasnt been available but once you got the regis it will be.  find your way to regigigas which is fairly easy bring 2 quick balls, 10 timer balls,30 ultra balls,10 dusk balls. he is at level 70 as well.  then go to turnback cave and catch giratina hes also at level 70.bring 25 ultra balls, 2 quick balls, 15 timer balls, and 25 dusk balls.  after that go to canalave city visit the boy that is having night mares then go to the sailor he will bring you to an island that has nothing but cresselia it will flee right away but use your marketing map poketch application to hunt it down.  if you have a masterball use it to catch the pokemon because it fless instantly use moves like ean Look, Block, and Spider Web or some pokemon prevent pokemon from fleeing such as wynaut or wobuffet.  level those pokemon up and replace them with some of your pokemon that you decide and your team will be almost unstoppable also dialga and palkia are great too

  3. 10 out of 10 our a pokeon master and you team is good without any Lengendary pokemon or lvl. 100 pokemon bravo

  4. good that thers no legendaries but dusknoir isnt good replace with something steel type and raise it to 100 so overall 9 out of 10

  5. They look pretty good to me....all you need to do is level them up to 100 :)

  6. I try to avoid pokemon of only one type-or at least avoid ones with obvious type disadvantages.... Like your feraligator(ok, maybe i'm bias here coz I REALLY hate the pokemon but...), ditch it for one that would be more resilent to the electric types. Like Lanturn(/w Volt abs) or a Marshstomp maybe... I also like to stay away from normal/flying-like Staraptor/Pidgey! I go for Zapdos(hard to hit an electric bird ^^) or if legendaries are not allowed maybe an aerodactyl or something? Other than that I dont see any huge problems with your team! But on your next post try and list ability's 2! Keep workin on those lvls m8 and you'll b a powerhouse!

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