
Rate tna from 1 to 10 i ?

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i give it a 6 it was not good to many backstage ****




  1. I would give it a 8 but with that being said I would give raw this week a 5 I know a lot of people expect more from TNA but they are still bran new if u think about it considering how long the wwe has been hear.  O yea and the Sting speech was awesome  

  2. tonight like a 5.5 no good matches at all.

    i mean beer money wasnt involved joe didnt wrestle.

    they had none of there top stars wrestling tonight except angle and nash.

    and that match sucked.

  3. A 20 I love TNA

  4. 8 tonight

  5. I'd have to give it a good "8" ... their talent does moves that are not even allowed in the WWE ...

    There is more high flying and risk taking than in the WWE ....

    They just need to cut back on the "skits" and BS like that and stick to the basics of Pro Wrestling ...

  6. Another bad show for TNA. This is 4 weeks strait. I am slowly pulling away from a show I watched 2 times a week in June/July. They are in a big mess right now because Cage, Team 3D, Nash, and Sting are all nearing the end of their contracts and i'm assuming they dont want to put them over too much because they might leave...but they dont want to dump their best guys in the can.

    Bad things for this week:

    The Motor City Machine Guns wern't on the show.

    Chris Parks "Abyss" hit on Karen in "Karen's Angle"

    Christian Cage not on the show.

    AJ Styles not in a match.

    Boring T had another stupid promo(Team3D made it funny though)

    I am starting to like WWE more than TNA again. With Christian Cage's contract running up, there is a huge possibility he may be jumping ship again. You know WWE will give him loads of money to come back. If he leaves, I think the ratings would actually drop.

    Team3D's contract is almost up. These guys most likely wont go to WWE, because of Ray's bad rep, and the fact they are rough on rookies. Basically every WWE tag team has rookies on it.

    Kevin Nash's contract is running up. He wants A LOT of money to be resigned. He wont get re-signed. I doubt he will go to WWE either. He is almost 49.

    They are using AJ terribly. He isn't what he used to be. They need to slap a title on him, QUICK.

    As far as the good stuff:

    Good storyline build for Nash and Sting vs Styles and Joe. I like where this is going.

    The Prince Justice Brotherhood saved the day. I always need a laugh while watching a wrestling show.

    Curry Man was in singles action and won. (I want him to go back to Christopher Daniels so dang bad!!!)

    Based on the recent product, at the moment I would have to give TNA a 6.5

    I still enjoy watching it, it is just their creative teams writes terrible stuff. They should just have Steiner write everything, he would do a better job. LMAO!!!!

  7. 10

  8. -50

  9. 10! I loved it!!!

  10. 7.5 tonight only  because there main event was knocks outs no offence to knock outs i <3 Roxy lol but common they can do better

    but over all 8.5 and 9's for PPV

  11. 7.8  

  12. I Will rate  last night TNA Impact a 7 out of 10 it was good but it was not great

  13. TNA - 8.5/10

    WWE- 6/10

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