
Rate your self from a scale 1-10.?

by  |  earlier

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Ten being the highest.

interms of appearence.comaring to others!!





  1. Can;t

    Some girls have said I was really cute, others wont give me the time of day.

    It's all relative. One person's 10 is another person's 1.

    I guess the only rating I can give is to give us all a 5.

  2. I would say a 9 because 10 would be considered perfect and no one is perfect.

  3. 4. Who wants some???

  4. I am 48 and I would give myself a 7

    When I was 12 -> 24 I would say - on the basis of what people told me - that I was a 9

  5. I guess a 7.

  6. *1*

  7. Sounds very superficial to rate myself on the basis of appearance. How is this question in any way socially intelligent?

  8. 9, 99

  9. I don't rate, God does!

  10. Hmm. 7?

  11. 4

  12. 8 ...I need something to shoot for....

  13. I'll be honest with my question,  i believe i am  a 10_10

    but you might think I'm only 9_10

  14. 7, 8

  15. Just apperance would be an 8, but that is based on what I think of myself.  Someone who into my body type might say 10, but if someone likes small frame or slim women, they would say 6.  Its all about the eyes of the beholder.

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