
Rather Extreme Overbite?

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I had braces for a couple years in jr. high, but they failed to correct my overbite which has worsened since my braces were taken off. I have a rather massive overbite, with my bottom jaw WAY too far back and my top jaw protruding a little forward. Rubber bands didn't work at all. My main problem with this is that my top teeth go into my bottom lip when i bite down and it HURTS. It gets very uncomfortable when I am trying to sleep and gives me headaches if it's shut for too long.

I don't know if insurance would cover this at all. I'm debating between surgery or the herbst appliance. I don't care how my teeth look, I just want my top teeth to stop going into my bottom lip and causing me pain. Is there any way I can get insurance to cover this or will they still consider it cosmetic?




  1. herbest appliance is effective only before puberty, it enhances growth of the lower jaw, but once growth reached its peak, backward retruded lower jaw may be corrected by different types of oral surgeries follow link to see how herbst makes its action

  2. you have to talk to your ortho....

    i dont think this would be considered cosmetic because if you really have that bad of an overbite...yeah i dont think its cosmetic cause if its CAUSING you pain or health problems..then its definetly medical.

    my dentist got coverage for this procedure that i was having done which normally would have been considered cosmetic..but he took care of it adn somehow he got it to be considered more medical so we didnt have to pay nearly as much for it!

    they can do sneaky little things like that

    im surprised though that elastics didnt work for you!

    maybe youll need surgery?? then again, its best to talk to your dentist or ortho cause theyre the professionals who know what theyre talking about!

    good luck

  3. I dont know if they do this but ask state farm :D

  4. You should get braces, because all dentists insurance will cover atleast some of that. If your older and u don't want braces try veneers/invasilign.

  5. whats overbite?

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