
Rather than voting "yea" or "nay," Obama instead voted "Present" nearly 130 times in the state senate?

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Are you really okay with having a Commander-In-Chief who can't make a freaking decision? REALLY?




  1. If you vote present you were at least there, you heard the argument, so you are aware of the issue, what about the senators that are absent, If the senate was actually school, McCain would be assigned his own truant officer, because he has an absenteeism problem, even Ted Kennedy, brain cancer and all is there more than Mccain.

  2. Maybe those were the times when neither the yes people nor the no people were willing to negotiate with him for his vote.

    It's not a vote.  I don't think it demonstrates anything positive, maybe laziness, maybe lack of concern about the country, maybe anger about not getting a deal for casting a vote a certain way.

  3. The mainstream media seems to be OK with it.  This country is going down the tubes.

    Excellent question. It's one that cannot be answered without exposing the lame racist duck that Obama really is. So the blatantly biased media skirts those issues as well as the plethora of other serious questions that still circulate him. The media bias has been made stark clear this past week. There have been more attacks on Palin, more attention and bashing on her family in the past week than there has been attention on Obama's past, both political and personal, in the last 19 MONTHS. Below is a summary list of his political past which highlights is ineptness as a Senator:

    Why on the BIG issues that were put before him in office, did he choose NOT TO VOTE. But he voted and pushed for little meaningless things like "Congratulating the White sox on winning the World Series??"


    2/28/08 Vote 35: On the Cloture Motion: Motion to Invoke Cloture on the Motion to Proceed to H.R.3221; New Direction for Energy Independence, National Security, and Consumer Protection Act and the Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation Tax Act of 2007 : NOT VOTING

    2/26/08 Vote 33: On the Cloture Motion: Motion to Invoke Cloture on the Motion to Proceed to Consider S. 2633; A bill to provide for the safe redeployment of United States troops from Iraq. NOT VOTING

    2/7/08 Vote 10: H R 5140: H.R. 5140 As Amended; Recovery Rebates and Economic Stimulus for the American People Act of 2008 : NOT VOTING

    4/10/08 Vote 95: H R 3221: Ensign Amdt. No. 4419; To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide for the limited continuation of clean energy production incentives and incentives to improve energy efficiency in order to prevent a downturn in these sectors that would result from a lapse in the tax law. NOT VOTING

    4/4/08 Vote 91: H R 3221: Voinovich Amdt. No. 4406 As Modified; To protect families most vulnerable to foreclosure due to a sudden loss of income by extending the depreciation incentive to loss companies that have accumulated alternative minimum tax and research and development tax credits. NOT VOTING

    4/3/08 Vote 87: S RES 501: S. Res. 501; A resolution honoring the sacrifice of the members of the United States Armed Forces who have been killed in Iraq and Afghanistan. NOT VOTING

    Yet he did vote in between all those votes for things like:

    3/14/08 Vote 82: S CON RES 70: DeMint Amdt. No. 4339; To provide for a deficit-neutral reserve fund for providing an above the line Federal income tax deduction for individuals purchasing health insurance outside the workplace. VOTED NO

    3/13/08 Vote 77: S CON RES 70: Kyl Amdt. No. 4372; To protect small businesses, family ranches and farms from the Death Tax by providing a $5 million exemption, a low rate for smaller estates and a maximum rate no higher than 35% VOTED NO

    Can any far lefty explain intelligently why they would support such a racist inept buffoon? What about you ADAM B or JUDO? I seriously doubt it.


    THE FACTS: Obama acknowledges that over nearly eight years in the Illinois Senate, he voted "present" 129 times. That was out of roughly 4,000 votes he cast, so those "presents" amounted to about one of every 31 votes in his legislative career.

  5. A lot of senators vote that way or maybe you didn't know that.

  6. In Illinois, political experts say voting present is a relatively common way for lawmakers to express disapproval of a measure. It can at times help avoid running the risks of voting no,  

  7. Sure ok then you want this instead eh?

  8. I'd rather elect a MAN who realizes that everything isn't black and white than an old f**t who can't open his mouth without mentioning having been a prisoner of war. Why does McCain need to fall back on that every single time he opens his mouth?

  9. 130 times out of THOUSANDS

  10. Let me guess, you voted for Bush.  

  11. This is only one reason I won't be voting for Barack Obama

    there is many other issues that Obama is weak on but he has

    a tremendous following.  Only time will tell if he can overcome his

    own mouth and bad relatives and friends?

  12. If there were 130 state issues that were too tough for him to make a decision, how many national or international issues will be too tough for him?

    Of course I'm not comfortable with his decision-making abilities.

    "No Way, No How, NObama!"

  13. You must love McCain's voteing record.  John McCain has missed 407 votes (63.8%) during the current Congress

    Edit;  What’s with the thumbs down?  You guys have a problem with facts and sources?

  14. But he did vote to murder babies 1 vote he did make!!!

  15. And to think he actually wrote a few laws. I don't think he was just "present"

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