
Rational individuals only: What do you know about Shariah law? And what is wrong with Shariah law?

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FYI I don't know how that happened. Will fix that now. Don't think that you can just abuse my religion and think I'll get scared and remove the hijab. It won't happen. I checked both links. You really need to work on your anti-islam skills




  1. Shariah law is irrational  

  2. First, there are a lot of sites where you can read about Shariah Law. It is the law of the Muslim religion and abides no other authority. It does, for example, provide that you can kill your own daughter if she is raped and thus disgraces the family. It is a primitive, barbaric system of controlling people. You cannot use the term "rational" and the reference ot Shariah Law in the same sentence, really.

    I noticed that while I was answering this question, you removed your avatar showing the female wearing the hijab. Smooth move.

    Muslim scholar? Isn't that preaching to the choir? Isn't that oxymoronic?

    This is a good article:

    When you have moment, this link is incredibly informative, too and shows many examples of Sharia Law at work:

  3. well--I know that its law thats based directly off of the Muslim faith and the Koran---and any law that comes from religion is bad news to me---Im a proud secular-progressive, and will never be accepting of theocracy in any way, shape, or form.  

  4. Just seeing how it is practiced in countries like Iran where they hang homosexuals and women who get rape.

    The morality police in Saudi Arabia that beat women who dare show more than their eyes in public and not allow to drive.

    Before we went into Afghanistan women couldn't go to school and treated like slaves.

    It is just like communism in theory it is great but where ever it is practice is it awful.

  5. Salam,

    Keef Halaich?

    what i know about shariah law...shariah: the code of law derived from the Koran and from the teachings and example of Mohammed; "sharia is only applicable to Muslims,     Sharia (Arabic: شريعة ) is the body of Islamic religious law. The term means "way" or "path to the water source"; it is the legal framework within which the public and some private aspects of life are regulated for those living in a legal system based on Islamic principles of jurisprudence ... and i dont know whats wrong with it lol


  6. As a westernized non-muslim individual I can see many things wrong with it. However, my opinion  does not carry any force, nor should it be a serious factor for those who believe differently. If you live in a Muslim country and this is the law of the land then you should respect it, If you are unwilling to do so you should attempt to immigrate to more favorable living conditions. However, and this is where I draw the line. If you are a Muslim living in a western country then you must respect the law of that land. You do not get to immigrate and then demand that your previous culture and law become the norm. You will not find a lot of support fior Sharia Law in western countries because it stands in stark contrast to the tenets which most western countries adhere to.

  7. I don't know much about it, it is suppose to be Islamic Law but my mom told me only s**+'ites use it and it is used in some muslim countries as the government. I don't really agree with it.

  8. A few things I know about shariah law that I believe to be wrong:

    It is full of death penalties, which I think are wrong.

    It is full of sexism, which I think is wrong.

    It calls for killing homosexuals, which I think is wrong.

    It calls for killing anyone who converts from Islam, which I think is wrong.

    I think a better question might be: how could any rational person accept shariah law?

  9. Men have the right to kill their wife and daughters for whatever reason? Yeah, that seems sensible....

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