
Rats diet, (aswers from rat owners only please)?

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Could you have a look at the food my rats eat and see what you think

Every morning they get a bowl of rat food then in the evening they get fresh food, this is what they have had over the last week, all of these are in small portions:

Day 1 Chickpeas, carrots, sweet corn and peas

Day 2 backed beans, and peaces of chicken

Day 3 boiled rice, chicken and broccoli

Day 4 Boiled egg

Day 5 a small peace of baked potatoes, diced carrot and peas gravy and a few dog biscuits mixed in.

Day 6 Banana, apple, grapes

Day 7 baby food




  1. Hi looks good to me, the more varied the better, I think you will be able to come up with a million things yet, I'm naughty I give mine porridge or human cereals in a morning trouble is some of mine like it with milk, they like toast as well, bowls of dried food are left in all the time, and teatime I just give them whatever we are having, I even tried them with jelly & icecream, didn't think they would eat it but they did, in fact if its ok for you, what harm will it do, mine freerange all the time so if I didn't give them some the little dudes would just come & pinch mine off my plate anyway, lol,

  2. all great for the diet but make sure you stay light on the chicken and backed beans good luck!

  3. All sounds great apart from baby food.

    I gave my rats everything else you listed plus pasta, lettuce, tomato, cucumber, corn on the cob (they really liked that) and occasionally some cheese.

    Some people would call us both mad for feeding rats so well! But I think they more than deserve it. Keep it up along with the complete rat food and plenty of fresh, clean water.

  4. Hi there! Sounds like a good basis for fresh food so far but you should probably change a few things. Rats don't need so much protein, especially so much animal protein, so go down to chicken once a week and leave a couple of days before the egg. I wouldn't feed the dog biscuits either. You should leave out baby food, although it is a great way of giving them medication if they ever need it. Instead of baked beans I'd buy a tin of plain beans. Tinned beans are pre soaked and cooked so you can give any. My lads like the mixed legumes for variety. Baked bean sauce is also great for tempting them to eat when they are ill though ;)

    Try adding some curly Kale or some spring greens to their fresh foods too. But the broccoli is a great choice too.

    As mentioned Reggie Rat is a pretty poor food for your rats, and it's quite high in protein, especially if you are feeding a lot of fresh food.

    I'd look into Subee's Rat Mix if you are in the US and the Shunamite diet if you are in the UK. Once you are familiar with a rat's nutritional needs you can change the mix recipe to suit you and your rats.

    I also recommend joining a rat forum, you'll get answers much quicker than on here, and you can reply better to answers you'll get :)

  5. that sounds fine what you are feeding them. i gave mine 1 giant dog biscuit and it didnt take them long to eat it.

    freak of nature or whatever the name is, i think if you just fed a rat rat food, then it would get bored, i mean they arent going to find any of that in the wild

  6. Sounds great aside from the vague "bowl of rat food". Most pet store rat foods are absolute c**p. The only one I'd even recommend would be Oxbow's Regal Rat.

    I have a write up on some of the better rat diets here:

    Edit: Reggie Rat is a low quality food, please switch to something better like Harlan Teklad, Suebees, or Regal Rat. Check out my write up on the diets for more information.

  7. haha that rat is eatin better than i do..give that m**o some cheese and he'll be happy.

  8. This is to much switching diets for one. It's bad to swich a rat's diet suddenly. This can cause lots of problems!!!!!!

    Two, you don't need to feed a rat all that stuff! Go to your nearest pet store and find a seed mixture for rodents, or get a lab block.

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