
Rats help!!!?

by  |  earlier

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i want to get a new baby rat, but my mom is totally against the idea because my 2 past rats have both died young, from respitory do i keep a rat living for a long time, and what should i do about mom.




  1. i kept one in secrecy once and my mom had no idea when she did find out i said that their very much mistaken for the common wild rat.tell yours the same.

  2. make sure the baby stays warm or you may get an adult, as far as your mom tell her that you will be willing to save up money for vet bills and that you will keep it very warm and keep and very close eye on it.

  3. This is additional info on your Sims 2 question from the other day. Just thought of something you should try.

    If you've not done so already, go to the sims official website ( and download and install the patches for all of the EPs and SPs you have (do them in order of first released to last released). You may have an unresolved issue that a patch will fix, just don't know which one.

    On your rat issue: I don't know how to keep them alive, other than keeping them out of the air (away from the heating/cooling vents) and keeping their bedding clean. As to your mom. Let her know you've gotten advice on how to keep them healthy from other rat owners. If she knows you are really committed to keeping them healthy and have been researching why the others died, she might be more willing to let you try again.

    Good luck!

  4. Unfortunately, almost all rats you will purchase from a pet store are prone to respiratory infections, cancer, and short life span.  They are lab rats, they are awesome and loving, but they descend from a variety of different test/lab rats that are doomed at birth.  I would tell your mom that you are responsible and that there is no way to tell how long a given rat will live and that you just want to spend as much time with one as you can!  If you are able to find a rat breeder, you may be a little better off.  Pet stores that sell rats often lie about their age, and I would not get an adult because you are depriving yourself of a year or so off their lifespan.  This website may be of interest to you!  Good luck!!

  5. your rats probably died because of there bedding [[cedar or pine chips]] these types of bedding give of a dust that causes your rats to breath it in and get respertory problems.

    get the CareFresh brand [[sold at petsmart or]]

    about your mom, tell her what caused the problem and you know how to fix it. convince her that you know what your talking about and that your sure they will live longer.

    the best ways to keep your rats as healthy as possible, make sure you have the rite bedding, its cleaned out 1nce a week or more, they have clean cold water everyday, clean there water bottle out every 2 weeks or so [[so mold or germs dont build up]] and dont put them around other pets [[your friends rats]] because they could b sick without you or them knowing, last give them all love and attention you can!!

    you should a long lasting healthy rat!!

    if you have any other questions or your little critters, just message me!

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