
Rats/mice in my loft, i've got them in my box-now what?

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i had some mice/rats in my loft,so i got one of those box things that mice go in then door locks things. i've got all the mice/rats, but what should i do with them? (i didn't want to posion them tho) i have a friend with a snake who wants to feed them to her snake, is there a rspca for rats/mice? i can't keep them, there horrible! what should i do?




  1. Release them outside.

    ...It's not hard.

    They don't need the RSPCA- they're WILD ANIMALS.

    Just put them outside, away from your house, and let them go.

  2. move it

  3. put them in you enemies loft release them though there letter box

  4. It wouldn't be a good idea to feed these rats/mice to your friend's snake.  They could have a disease, bacteria, and/or parasites that would be bad for the snake.

    You're better off taking them to some park and releasing them into a field.  Your local animal control can give you further guidance if you need it.  They might even come by and pick them up for you.

    As a side note, you probably shouldn't post a question in the pet rodent section about potentially killing or feeding rodents to snakes.  People here really like their pet rats/mice/etc.

  5. No, please don't give them to your friend's snake! Especially if they're wild rats or mice. They can be sick and if the snake eats them, the snake can get sick too.

    If you are sure that they are wild, bring them back out to the streets or something.

    If they aren't wild, bring them to the Humane Society. They will take them in for sure.  

  6. These are wild rats and mice, they are not good as pets and they could potentially carry diseases. For this last reason I would not recommend feeding them to a snake, who knows what nasty stuff they could pass to the snake.

    Since they are wild, you could maybe bring them to the woods and release them there. If you want them killed but don't want them to suffer (I would never want any animal to suffer, wild or domesticated), you could always bring them to the vet so they can be put down by inhalation.

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