
Rats nose bleeding?

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My daughter's adult male rat has a small amount of blood from his nose, he has not been fighting with others or anything, Is there any other reason why it could be bleeding? Is there something that I should do for him?




  1. I don't really know what to do but i know the vet will find the cause and treat it

  2. im so sorry but u have to take it to the vet

  3. This is more likely porphyrin, which is a red substance that rats commonly secrete from their eyes and nose. It's usually normal, although sometimes can be related to stress. If it's just a little bit, I wouldn't worry about it too much, just watch over him a bit more closely to see what might be stressing him. :)

  4. call ur vet and ask them

  5. Actually, what you are seeing is not really blood. It's called porphyrin. Usually a rat produces a bit of this when he is asleep so when he wakes up, you may notice it, but it is not harmful at all. On the other hand, a rat will also produce excessive porphyrin when a respiratory infection is present or an irritant such as dust is causing this secretion. If it is only a tiny bit you are noticing, it is probably just due to sleep- released porphyrin. If however, it is accompanied by the rat sneezing often, chances are he will need to see a vet. Hope this helped and goodluck!

  6. my rat has bloddy noses all the time and she doesn't get upset about it

  7. Eww! That darn rat belongs in the dumpster! You should leave those rabid things where they were found!

  8. its not blood,its eye run,it flows down,settles next to the nose, and looks like blood when it dries, I would suggest taking it to a vet if it starts sneezing or wheezing or acting differently but right now all it means is that his eyes are running,it might be allergies,you could take it to a vet now just to check and that might save money if he is in fact sick but I doubt that it is necessary,if it starts getting in the way of his breathing then you'll need a vet also...

    sandy and Courtney know what I'm talking about its been a long while since I have owned a rat but I remember alot but I couldn't remember what it was called XD

  9. Courtney and Sandy are rat. Some rats give off more mucus than others; my rat Bianca has always red around her eyes and nose right after she wakes up, while Fiona rarely has any. If your rat has a lot of red mucus, however, and if their entire neck is wet and/or he is wheezing, he might be sick. If that's the case, take him to the vet.
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