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I would like to get a rat but would first like to know everything about them. If you know something interesting such as food, colours, care or something else please answer this question!





  1. Its great you want to have a pet rat, they make great companions. The best type to get is the breed they sell for snake food. I know that seems a little wierd, but those type of rats are usually immune to alot of diseases that are common in rats. These rats have black heads with a white and black body, (also known as hooded rats and are not always sold for snake food)

    If you want a happy rat, you should always have a decent sized cage for your rat, and either hold it for at least 4 hours a day or buy two rats (two males or two females unless you want a massive number of pups)

    Usually pet supply places have good types of food for your rat. not much i can say about food

  2. this site has all you need to know about rats:

    good luck!

  3. First, you should know that you must not get a single rat. Rats are highly social and should be kept in same s*x pairs or groups.

    Also, I have a website on rat care that might be helpful to you:

    Edit: Desi is incorrect about a few things. Most pet store diets aren't the best for rats (I have a write up on diets on my website). Aspen is fine as a bedding since it is a hardwood and does not contain phenols. Pine and cedar are softwood beddings and are dangerous because they contain phenols that damage the respiratory system and liver. Also, rats absolutely can have meat, I have no idea why she thinks they can't. They are omnivores and a little meat occasionally would be fine.

  4. Rats are quite enjoyable pets.  I have not personally owned one but I have worked in a vet hospital and Petco for years and have much experience with them.

    They are very social creatures, and its not a bad idea to get two or more, preferably from the same litter.  Sometimes rats from different litters will fight.  Females are less likely to fight.  Rats are easily tamed and make great pets- they enjoy human interaction.  As far as food goes, try to stick to what's called "lab blocks"- basically pellets.  Seed mixes are less healthy because the rat can pick and choose what he eats, which does not provide complete nutrition.  Pelleted diets are much healthier.  Rats enjoy veggies and fruits as well, in my experience they seem to really like apples, mixed veggies (the corn/peas/carrots/beans you buy in a frozen bag), lettuce, kale, and carrots.  Care is fairly easy.  Cleaning the cage once a week is sufficient for most rats- that means taking out and discarding all the bedding and disinfecting teh cage and supplies.  It is important not to use wood shavings as bedding- wood shavings are more likely to cause respiratory infections than paper substitute bedding (such as Carefresh, Kaytee Total Comfort, or Kaytee Softsorbent).  Respiratory infections can also be caused by poor cleaning.  Rats need a hide box in their habitat to hide and sleep in, as well as a wheel and fresh food and water daily, and wooden chew blocks to keep their teeth trimmed.  Rats also enjoy "running balls" that you can buy at pet stores- balls that allow them to run around your house safely.  If you have a rat-proof space for them to play supervised, they love that too.  Rats need a fairly large cage- room to run and climb is important for a happy rat.  most pet stores sell cages that are adequate.  I would say at least the size of two ten gallon aquariums at the very least.  Bigger is better.  Overall, rats are great pets- the only reason I don't have any is I am more of a hamster girl, and I have 5 hamsters to take care of (along with 13 other animals!)  I hope this helped!

  5. hey i would love to help you out!

    choosing you rats s*x:

    males: they are more calm and layed back but smell worse and make more of mess then females. males also have their man parts hanging down. [[think of this incase it gross's you out]]

    females: more hyper then males [[but some are very calm]] and much cleaner and not as smelly. they do act very motherly though.

    choosing breed/color of rat:

    breed: it all depends on the rats personality. you MUST hold it and interact with it BEFORE you buy it. buy the one that you think you will enjoy most. this means playing with at least a few of them before deciding which one you want.

    color: DONT choose one buy its color choose it buy its personality!! it wil be very difficult to take care of a rat that doesnt connect with you well. the color doesnt interfier with its personality...niether does the breed.

    each rat has its own personality. choose the best one for you.


    always try and get 2 rats at the same time of the same s*x. [[2 males, 2 females]]

    rats need company and a cleaning buddy.

    dont get a male and female or you WILL have baby rats and they have between 8-14 and are very difficult to take care of.

    [[if you happen to get a pregnant rat message me and ill help you out!]]

    getting them at the same time means less territorial issues. [[males usually have this problem but so can females.]]


    get a VERY large cage.

    get the biggest cage you can afford.

    the more room the better.

    rats also love to climb so try and get 1 with multiple levels.

    you can make a cage but i wouldnt recomend it for your first cage.


    do not, i repeat, DO NOT get bedding made from wood chips or aspen.

    this will cause lung issues for the rest of there life.

    get Carefresh if you can.

    it look like sogged paper thats dreid.

    [[they have diff colors]]


    get lots and lots of toys.

    they get bored easy and need to be entertained.

    they also need lots of things to chew on to help shave down thier teeth and keep them straight.

    like i said they love to climb so keep that in mind.

    rats are also very intellegant so get complicated things.

    also a rock or brick to put under there water spout helps keep their nails filed down.


    any bag of food for them works [[sold at the pet store]]

    NEVER give ur rat meat.

    and dont give them artifcial things [[candy soda pizza ect...]]

    do give them treats like fruits and veggies.

    they also sell some treats at the pet store but fresh stuff is better for them.

    dont give them anything with sugar or salt or anything you think could be bad for them.

    if you have to question it..its probably not good.


    u must give them clean water EVERY day.

    they must always have food.

    and there cage needs to be cleaned once to twice a week.

    [[depending on how much they p**p]] lol

    also wipe down the surface of the cage with a ret rag so make sure you get the pee off.

    rats CAN get a bath but the MOST once a month and NO more then that.

    if they do smell usually there cage needs to be cleaned.

    rats are VERY clean and clean themselves and eachother.


    the more you play with them the better they will be with u.

    the first few days are crucial!! they need the most time cuz they are in a new invroment.

    try and play with them at least 4 hours a day but the least 1 hour.

    the more you play with the more comfortable they are with you.


    rats are very smart and quick learners.

    they can learn there names and come when you call...

    sit on your shoulder...

    jump through hoops..

    be potty trained..[[with the right equipment]]

    and much more.

    but they must ALWAYS be rewarded with a treat when you are first training them. after a while do the same thing but take away the treat and only add it in every so often.

    [[you can research more on this or message me!!]]

    i think this should help.

    if you have ANY questions i would be very glad to help.

    just leave me a message!!

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