
Rave parties?..In Boston preferably..or surrounding areas?

by  |  earlier

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I'm a 22 yr old who just began work.

Believe it or not, I'm relatively smrart, and hard working.

But that's the thing.

I HATE work, not even the work itself, but the in and out suck **** every day work routine. School was so much more fun.

SO-I want to party my @$$ off, in a drunken, possibly

ecstasy-ed-out way.

I want to use drugs (not pot) to have a good time.

Simple as that. But in a public setting with others.

Call me crazy..but just a little escape from reality goes a long way.


Please advise!




  1. girl you better be careful your looking for trouble i'm not from boston but i hipoe you will be a little carful

  2. careful please

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