
Ravens!! I have been having some experiences with them lately...what does it mean??

by Guest66986  |  earlier

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A little more than two years ago,a couple of ravens and a number of crows started visiting my kitchen window and I encouraged them by giving them food . One night last year, I was in bed reading till 2 a.m. as is my habit,give or take an hour. Suddenly I heard the cawing of a raven, surprised, I went to the window and sure enough,there was a raven on the slab beneath my window. It cawed for a while then flew off, this began to happen regularly at precisely 2:15 or so almost every night. I started to have ominous feelings about it,I don't know why. Then in March last year,I lost my mom in a sudden heart attack. And she died at precisely 2:15 or so at night. The raven's visits had stopped a few days before.I can't say exactly when as i was in Greece for a few days and had returned just two days prior to her death,we were in fact chatting till the wee hours that night. Now the raven has started its nightly visits again,it came twice last week at 1:20 or so. What can all this mean??




  1. honestly, I think you are finding reasons to connect unrelated events. You could take any event and somehow tie it to the death of your mother, and thats what you are doing.

    Maybe it takes exactly 2 minutes and 15 seconds to brew your coffee every morning and the coffee pot broke just 2 days before your mother died.

    You see what I mean. Of course, the raven connection is based on the idea that the old legends and myths about ravens being harbingers of death is true. Those are fairy tales. Don't take my word for it. Ask around and see how many people have been warned about impending death by a raven, as compared to people who were not warned. I bet you will find a very small group, if any.

  2. It means ravens consider your home their home.The good news is they're ravens not pigeons.Now those are birds that aren't good tenants.

               Sorry about your mom.

  3. It doesn't mean anything.  Really.

    Sorry about your Mom.


  4. well im not sure

    but when my mom was at home, she saw a blue jay come inside(after her dad had just died) and the bird wasn't scared at all, it just came in.

    what i've heard this means is that the birds can take human spriits and that it happens

  5. BOO! It's me again! lol Hardly anyone is on here this time of night. The morning people will probably give you some answers..after they have their coffee. (usually around 10A.M.) At least that's what I've noticed.

    Edit..See...I told you that you'd get more answers today! (I'm "psychic" !lol (No..I'm not.) About the raven. ..I've heard that about birds in general..if they come into the house. I saw a priest get really scared when one flew into the church during service. As far as I know ..nobody died. I'm sure somebody somewhere in the world died..but nobody who was at the service. Just try to live a good life and tell those you love that you love them and try to forget about it. The only way to forget about it is to push it out by getting your mind on other things. I'm sorry about your mother too..forgot to tell you. I'm sure she wouldn't want you to worry like this!

  6. ur story is intresting.... n even though i may not be able to give you answer just want to ell u not to worry, it can be just a smthng..and mayb da ravens are  used to *** there and shout. any way frgt it. dn't b superstitious. it's just a concidence.

  7. Ravens are very smart birds, if you fed one he would probably come back to visit you whenever he was in the neighborhood. The timing might be coincidence - he was passing through needed a bite to eat and since you responded he figured that time of night was best to get a free snack.

    I am not discounting the connection you made, Raven's have always been a sign for some people that something was about to happen. One question - did the timing of the visit change because of daylight savings time? You have to connect all the dots for us, it may be that he is actually still visiting at the same time.

  8. ravens and crows are ominous creatures, and their presence are usually related to foreboding to a misfortune. my advice to u is the next time the raven visits, shoo it away

  9. Love this bit "precisely 2:15 or so".

    It's obvious to me  - based on the evidence that you've presented -that you, or someone close to you is going to die at 1.20 within the next month or so.

    Please do let us know if that happens - if it is you no doubt you will find a way of communicating with this forum from beyond the grave.

  10. Ravens are strictly daytime birds. They make a big point of getting to the rookeries by nightfall. I sometimes see flights of 100 or more converging on a roosting area from all directions at dusk.

    You've described a raven behaving as ravens don't behave. I don't know what it means.

    Do some reading about corvids [ravens] and their behaviors, then decide what you think about the experience you've described.

  11. You live in an area that has a crow and raven population.  Birds are creatures of habit.  So it's not entirely impossible that your window will become a raven's favorite spot.  (This is especially the case since you encouraged them to visit by feeding them.)

    It seems to me you are experiencing something called confirmation bias.  You remember the events that support your idea (i.e. ravens = death) while disregarding the facts that do not support your premise.

    There is nothing I am aware of which indicates ravens are able to predict death.  If you discover any evidence otherwise--beyond the anecdotal variety--this would be very important information indeed.

    P.S. I'm sorry you lost your mother.

  12. the moral of this story is

    pop a fish oil and mutlivitamin once a day at least

    so ur kinds not see u die early also

  13. It means that the ravens want your food.

    Your mother's death is a meaningless coincidence, and it's a questionable one, given the fact that you really have no idea when or if the crows stopped visiting.

    You're just drawing connections that don't exist.

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