
Raw Food Lifestyle ?!?

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Can anyone on here talk to me about the raw food lifestyle ?

I'm not intrested in a diet, I want to know about the lifestyle.

What does it totally contain ?

What are the basics [beside the total obvious, lol] ?

What does it say about raw fish and raw meat ?

How do you get started ?

How long does it take you to ease into eating only raw ?

Why did you choose to start eating only raw foods ?

Is it really healthier for you ?

Did you think you got healthier or happier from eating raw ?

What are your overall views on the raw food diet as a whole ?

Thank you so much in advanced !!! ^_^




  1. While I cannot say I am on the raw food diet, heck no., there are reasons for that.   Many foods you cannot eat raw.  Potatoes, can't be digested raw.  Rhubarb - definitely no as cooking neautralizes the acids which would be toxic like poison raw.    Meat raw - no...ever hear of tapeworms? or Tricinosis(from uncooked pork)? or Salmonella( from chicken)?

    Cooking the food is one of the main reasons why the lifespan has increased from 35 to95 years.     It kills micro-organisms.

       However, there is no reason you got to cook the snot out of everything.

       Get a Wok and cook veges in a wok like the Chinese do.  Bright, colorful, and full of flavour and crunchy.  Basically just heated up veges still chock full of vitamins.  Much more healthier.  Much better than canned(bottom of the list) and frozen(closest to fresh without being fresh locally grown or home grown(best)

  2. The raw food "lifestyle" is just diet related.  There aren't any ethical obligations or beliefs involved- it's totally dogma free. Although people who are raw tend to be ecologically concerned and politically liberal, it isn't part of a credo.

    Most people who are raw are raw vegans.  In fact, (although I know there are people who do) I've never met anyone who ate raw fish and meat as part of a raw diet.  When one says "raw" you can assume "raw vegan."

    The majority of people who adopt a raw food diet do so to deal with health problems.  Many people have debilitating illnesses like Crohn's disease or Ulcerative colitis, some have digestive problems like heartburn and reflux, some are fighting obesity, and many are trying to wean themselves off of pharmaceuticals.

    I got started when my husband (a doctor) advised two weeks on raw fruits, vegetables and juices to see if it would help my allergies, and the accompanying sinus pain and hives.  It did.  Over two years later I'm still on it.  (Although my cooking has gotten a lot fancier!)

    After a month I was shocked at how much energy I had.  After six months I realized my eyesight had improved.  Gradually I noticed that I couldn't remember the last time I felt depressed or had a headache!

    To get started, I would recommend that you read everything you can find online first.  Then I'd get two books:  "The Complete Book of Raw Food" by Lori Baird and Julie Rodwell and "Raw Food Made Easy" by Jennifer Cornbleet.

    Great Websites:

  3. It's pretty much just a diet, although some raw veganists also have very strict fitness regimens. Raw vegans don't eat food that's been cooked. So basically no food that has been heated over 115 degrees. It's a combination of veganism (no meat, eggs, or dairy) and raw foodism (no cooked food).

    I'd say you get started either immediately, or you ease into it. Often if you start immediately, you're doing it for a short period time with the goal of losing weight. People who ease into it sometimes want to live the raw vegan lifestyle.

    I've never been a raw vegan for more than a week, in order to lose weight fairly safely, fast. Otherwise I'm just a vegetarian.

    You know, I don't think it's healthy unless you MAKE SURE that you are getting vitamins, protein, minerals and other essential things. It's super hard to be healthy, because your food mostly consists of fruit, vegetable, nuts, and unbaked grains. I knew a family who were raw vegans for a month, and they had to stop because they started showing signs of malnutrition.

    I think that any lifestyle that can be healthy is great! But I like the added bonus that raw veganism does no harm to animals.

  4. most ppl cant only eat raw food for the rest of their life. but ppl who eat very little and still get fat could deffinately pull it off.
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