I want to start feeding my ferrets (and possibly dog and cats too) the B.A.R.F. (biologically appropriate raw foods) diet, as I found out it increases their longevity. Can someone please help me find a place to buy prepackaged raw ferret food? I've found it for cats and dogs, but I can't find it for ferrets and they have different vitamin needs and cant digest anything but meat. I'm too nervous about borne illness to prepare it myself. The ferrets are the most pressing, as one probably needs surgery to remove an adrenal tumor and I got a reality check about their typical lifespan on commercial diets. They are 4 1/2 now and the vets never seen one older than 6. On the BARF diet they usually live into their teens. I'm also looking into V.I.B.E. therapy if I can find someone with a VIBE machine in Virginia. As for the food-price is no object. If we're going to pay over a thousand dollars for Rascal's surgery we're not going to skimp on the food to keep them healthy