
Raw foods ideas please?

by  |  earlier

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I am a big fan of fruits but not so many vegetables...i like broccoli, green beans, corn, carrots, peas...i want to go on a raw foods type diet---anyone have some sort of menu that would work for me? One with lots of fruits but that still gives me everything i need nutritionally?




  1. You could soak some raw garbonzo beans in water for 10 days and make hummus. here is a helpful site

  2. Pecan-Wild Rice Loaf

    3    cups pecans, soaked 1 hour

    2    cups carrots

    1    red bell pepper

    1/2    cup shallot or onion

    1/2    cup fresh basil

    1/2    cup fresh cilantro

    1    cup sprouted mung beans

    1     cup sprouted wild rice

    2 1/2     lemons, juiced

    2    tsp. curry powder

    1    tsp. coriander powder

    1/4    tsp. cayenne (or to taste)

    Nama Shoyu and/or Celtic sea salt, to taste

    1)    Put pecans and carrots through the Champion or Green Power juicer      with the blank in place. It comes out like a paté. Set aside in a large bowl.

    2)    Put the red bell pepper, shallots or onion, basil and cilantro into a food     processor & blend well using the "S" blade. Add this mixture into the paté.

    3)    Then, add in the sprouted mung beans and wild rice, lemon juice and      spices. Mix very well by hand. Taste and adjust flavors. Shape into a     loaf and transfer to a serving platter. Garnish with pecan halves and red     bell pepper rings in a pleasing design.

    Serves 6. Keeps 2-3 days in refrigerator.

    Rueben Burritos


    2 avocados per person

    2 green onions chopped

    2 radishes finely diced

    1/2 cucumber finely diced

    some chopped dulse

    some chopped fresh cilantro

    optional: 2 diced cayenne peppers, or cayenne powder

    some lemon juice

    2 Tbls. of olive oil

    mash together and season with celtic sea salt and add:

    2 chopped roma tomatoes, or home grown if you have them

    ....any quacamole recipe will do actually

    Bubbie's Saurkraut in a glass jar:

    open the jar and place some saurkraut in a bowl...done deal

    Whole Romaine Leaves:

    wash and dry and display on platter

    Basil, Garlic Lemonette:

    1/2 cup fresh lemon juice

    1-1 1/2 cups olive oil, depending on how lemony you like it

    fistfull of fresh basil leaves

    3 or 4 cloves of garlic

    celtic sea salt

    squirt of honey

    blend well, put in a community bowl: serves two

    Roll up quacamole and saurkraut in the romaine leaves and spoon on the lemonette as you eat the burritos.....bring a roll of paper towels to the table, and roll up your sleeves


  3. Good for you for becoming conscious of a raw food diet.

    You should be careful about eating too much fruits.  Too much sugar, even in raw organic fruit, can be toxic to the system and give you stomach pains and emotional disorders.  

    I do have tonnes of raw food ideas on my website as well as lots of educational references.

    Please do not hesitate to contact me.

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