
Raw vegan?

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i want to try being a raw vegan. i want to know everything i can eat and will it give me more energy? i've been a vegan for a couple months and have found out all of the tricks, like candy that doesn't have gelatin and things like that so it would probably stop me from consuming so many swedish fish

please no one tell me "god put animals on this earth so we could eat them" because that is one of the most annoying statements i have ever heard




  1. You are only human and as such, you are equipped with 4 naturally occurring canine teeth. These teeth are designed to be utilised in the process of eating meat.

    If you believe in God then, he designed you to eat meat.

    If not, then evolution has selected you as a meat eater.

    Stop limiting yourself, its ridiculous.

    Here come the thumbs down.



    Plants-based foods in their original, un-heated (uncooked) state are considered raw and alive. Raw food may include fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, sprouts, grains and legumes in sprouted form, seaweed, microalgae (such as spirulina and chlorella, etc.), and fresh juices. These live foods (living foods) contain a wide range of vital life force nutrients (ie. vitamins, minerals, amino acids, oxygen) and live enzymes. Their nutritional properties are essential to the proper maintenance of human bodily functions.



    "Raw-foodists" (also called "Rawists") are those who thrive on live food energy. Raw foodists consume a diet of mostly un-cooked whole plant foods, usually at least 75%, though some say 100% is the only true path. Some contemporary famous raw foodists include raw chef Juliano, actress Demi Moore, and raw food entrepreneur & raw education author David Wolfe. Raw food enthusiasts proudly proclaim their break from an "addiction" to cooked and processed foods. They tell us that incorporating a few uncooked meals each week is a good start that will bring immediate changes to the body to feeling better and having more energy. Even if you have a busy schedule, you can still find easy to prepare whole and rawfood recipes at your local health foods stores and natural food markets. For anyone interested in making the jump to a 100% fully raw food diet, it is recommended that you take time to research the various foods that you can eat in their raw state, understand their unique qualities, and spend time learning with teachers and nutritionists. Going raw is a learning experience that requires patience and listening to the body's needs. Over time, a live food diet may help a person achieve a more sensitive body system, and the body will be more sensitive to what it wants that's good for it (as opposed to one's ego/mind). Many 100% raw-foodists claim to experience increased energy, deeper states of meditation, and a long and healthy life.



    The benefits of going raw-vegan are boundless. Rawfoods are easy to digest, and they provide the maximum amount of energy with minimal bodily effort. Studies have shown that living foods have healing powers that can alleviate many illnesses such as low energy, allergies, digestive disorders, weak immune system, high cholesterol, candida, obesity and weight problems (weight normalization), etc.. Research and real life experiences have also shown that a person can prevent the body's healthy cells from turning into malignant cancerous cells by consuming mostly a raw food diet that includes whole organic foods!



    Heat changes the makeup of food. Foods that have been heated have lost all of their life force, and their beneficial enzymes are destroyed. The digestive system has to work harder and longer to process cooked foods to get nutrition and energy from it. Once cooked, food can lose up to 85 percent of its nutritional value. Raw foodists call that "dead food." Since we are essentially what we eat, consuming the dead energy of dead foods make our bodies feel heavy and stagnant.

    Try eating a raw food diet and see if you can tell the difference! Maybe incorporate sprouts in your meals or salads to add fresh and vital nutrients to your raw diet.

    The sprouting process brings out many live enzymes and nutrients in the germinated seeds, legumes, and grains which in turn makes them easy to digest. Sprouts are living foods that are full of pure vitamins and minerals, rich in chlorophyll, and a great source of plant protein.

  3. being a vegetarian i understand u must read vegan books to help u understand ingredients like gelatin and MSG

  4. Good luck and more power to you!

  5. I hate red meat, but still like pork sometimes, and fish. Chicken too... Im a semi-veggie... hahaha! Well it will be tough for you but not as bad as lots of people may say. I suggest taking a multivitamin to make sure you get all the stuff you need. Try to eat more variety of veggies. Like ALL types of lettuce, like kale and collard greens, fennel, etc. (I am not a cook I forget food names fast) I like using maybe they have some vegan recipes.

  6. Ohh I just became a raw vegan yesterday no lie!! I went shopping and got alot of stuff! I bought lots of veggies first.



    *Green and red peppers



    *And spinich

    I also bought alot of fruits and fruit juice!

    *I bought V8 fruit juice, its very delicious!!




    *And Oranges

    Also I bought nuts to give me energy, just make sure there not roasted nuts!!

    Also you should mix the veggies and make salads! Thats what I did and it was fantastic!

    Hope you like the raw vegan life! I love it so far and i'm gonna keep on going!!

  7. Being a raw vegan can be great, especially if you like to cook and experiment with new ways to prepare food.  That being said, it can be much more time consuming to make meals than just being vegan.

    I've been vegan for a few years and I tried going raw for a while, but it just didn't agree with me (in terms of time and body) but I have raw vegan friends that absolutely love it.  If it works with your body, it definitely could give you more energy.

    We used the great cookbook:

    The Complete Book of Raw Food

    There are also plenty of websites online devoted to the raw vegan lifestyle and recipes.  Best of luck and... VEGAN REVOLUTION!
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