
Ray Robinson Vs. Mayweather @147/154 pnds?

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Ray Robinson Vs. Mayweather @147/154 pnds?




  1. It’s beginning to look like someone is trying to get Floyd killed!  

    If we could reincarnate Ray Robinson, restore him to his prime, tell him all about (and show him all the films of) Floyd Mayweather Jr., and then tell him he and Floyd are going to meet in the ring for a 12-round bout to determine who is the best welterweight of all time, I think we would see an annihilation. Floyd's walking around weight is close to 154 pounds so I don't think weight would be a factor in this fight.

    Ray knew he was a great fighter.  He knew many people regarded him as the best P4P fighter in history.  He wasn’t arrogant, but he was proud, and faced with a challenge to his place in history, I wouldn’t be surprised to see him destroy Floyd in the first round.

    I think this fight would be a non-event.  Floyd wouldn’t stand a chance.  Ray is too strong, too fast and hits too hard (with either hand) for Floyd to have a chance.  

    I usually don’t think much of comparing fighters of different generations, but this is an exception because, IMO, the outcome of a SRR – FMJ matchup is very predictable.  I won’t say that Sugar Ray is the greatest fighter, P4P or otherwise, of all time, but I think he would slaughter Floyd.

    As I write this we have a unanimous decision (by the Answerers) going.  Now THAT is rare.

  2. I actually think Ray Robinson had a lot of flaws with the way he punched and his hand positioning on defense. However those flaws are actually what would be-devil PBF. He leans away to the right side and Sugar Ray threw a lot of hooks from his waist. Which Floyd would probably be a sitting duck for.

    Ray Robinson by Ko

  3. Mayweather is a great fighter with unbelievable skill.

    Robinson is the Greatest of ALL Time.

    Robinson would beat anyone in his weight class

  4. at 154, ray stops mayweather in 9 or 10.

    at 147, ray knocks out floyd in the 13th or 14th

  5. Okay THIS ONE I am going to answer.

    This would be a no sided...SLAUGHTER.

    Anyone who thinks that Mayweather is a phenom would cry in their chairs. Ray Robinson would beat him so badly that Uncle Roger would have to run in and save him.

    Honestly, I cant even think of anything that Floyd has that Robinson didnt see before and beat.

    Robinson, humiliating Mayweather and knocking him out...ten rounds.

  6. Robinson. Mayweather is good, but he isn't great.

  7. This would be a massacre at any weight. Robinson's power,defense and boxing ability is something Mayweather has never and will never see in the ring. No decisions here. Sugar Ray Robinson was bigger and stronger with the heart of a lion. Only edge Mayweather would have would be speed and he wouldn't be able to run for long as Robinson was great at cutting off the ring. Kayo wins at either weight in the late rounds for Robinson

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