
Re: Anna Nicole smith :Would you buy lingerie for a child as something to remember a parent by?

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Now be honest, its not the first keepsake that comes to mind is it?




  1. Oh come on, he made enough money of off Anna Nicole, he's just planning for Anna Nicole, take two.

  2. No but it was the clothes she wore in a famous ad campaign so it's not horrible.

  3. NO

  4. He did say in the article it's not something for now but for later down the line when he hopes to tell her her mothers story and these items would be a part of it.So it's more for when she's old enough to be understanding of the life her mother led.

    Little bit naughty with your interpretation LB.I actually think it shows he's a very caring person who takes his roll as a father very seriously and understands the importance of preparing for the days when she will undoubtedly be asking lots of questions about her mum.

  5. eeewww I bet he trys them on

  6. If he wants something for his daughter to remember her mother by why doesn't he buy her a blow up doll and a vacuum cleaner?

  7. Well I can't say it's the first thing that comes to mind - I would have thought being a photographer that he would have used photo's as a keepsake.

  8. normally, no, but this isn't exactly a normal situation. I think his heart was in the right place. Better to remember her mother by saving her beautiful lingerie than her stripper pole!

  9. it is in very  poor taste to purchase of these items. They should purchases in memory of their parents.

  10. I agree with English Rose and Misty blue!!

    He did say it wouldn't be for a bedtime story anytime soon!!!!

  11. No, but look at what her parents are/were. Smith was a Playmate/s*x symbol, and dad is a photographer. Maybe Birkhead didn't want anyone else buying it? Maybe it has sentimental value for him or he wants something his daughter can touch that her mother wore?

  12. NO WAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. if you read the article correctly, he tells you why he bought them, and they werent for a keepsake as your question suggests, but :-

    Birkhead said he hoped the items would help his daughter learn her mother's life story — when she's old enough.

    and how many of us have a mother that was a playboy model .. ???

    you need to put it into perspective.

  14. no i wouldnt , what a fruitloop!! i would rather leave my children photos of me and a nice poem.


  16. Nope - this shows how trashy the Holly-weird culture is today though!  Peace

  17. No its not, sounds like he's trying to justify spending the little girl's money. I know after my dad died, the last thing I would have wanted was a pair of his pants to remember him by.


    But I understand why HE is. The clothes are imfamous and they did belong to the child's mother at one point. If I had to venture a guess, I'd say that he's either considering opening a tribute museum to Anna Nicole or hanging onto them to sell at a later date for more money. I can see where he'd want to keep her memory alive either for the child or for the cash.

  19. Grief does funny things.

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