
Re Australian girl winning the Triathlon.?

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Does it annoy anybody else that the commentators say stuff like "Oh and such a lovely girl too - could have been won by a nicer girl...blah blah blah? For God's sake if she was the world's biggest (you know word starting with B and ending in CH they wouldn't say that would they?) Give em credit for being a great athlete and leave it there




  1. and have u actually met this girl?

    she actually is really awesomely nice k?

    if she was a then they wouldnt say she was the nicest person ever and stuff theyd just say shes a good athlete

    in this case it was true


  2. Some of the commentators are d**khead.

    Emma Snowsill is a GOLDEN girl

  3. Good point....I think that too...

  4. Yeah I noticed that too.

    I guess Greg Welch who was one of the commentators has been around Triathlon a long time and knows all the Athletes pretty well was looking to fill in air time

  5. Why do you actually care what the commentators say... are you jealous or something... What is the big deal...  

  6. The Golden girl and Nice girl thing does get overdone a bit. Have you noticed that they never say that about Tamsyn Lewis though?


    This is where I watched the triathlon.  No commentary is quite refreshing.

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