
Re: CNN's Special /Who knew Brazil (after working only 30yrs on changes) was already energy independant?

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We should immediately switch to sugar ethanol which is 7 times as efficient as corn ethanol.

Raise MPG Standard for automakers - For every one mile gained in fuel efficiency, 50 thousand barrels of oil are saved everyday.

We should already be retrofitting gas pumps & using Flex-Fuel Cars




  1. Brazil has the natural resources and America doesnt... : _ (

  2. we need to do more than that. we need to tap the resources that are known in this country, drill where the oil is, like brazil did when it found two large oil fields off its coast. we need to convert coal to a liquid and make gasoline from that liquid, like europe is doing now. we need to build more nuclear power plants and get more electricity from them, again  like europe, specifically france, is doing. china is opening new coal fired power plants every two weeks.

    why is it that these countries are working towards energy independence and we are not? blame congress and the environmental lobby.

  3. They did it by cutting down the rainforest to grow sugar cane.  The stuff won't grow in North America like it does in the tropics.

  4. yes...and drill..we have 50 to 75 years of oil in Alaska and off the coast...coal to gas  will help.. and for bout opening trade with the biggest sugar producer in the world...CUBA

  5. We need to do that and drill here. We need to become energy independent. But we also need to make sure the technology is supported. This needs to be a two fold investment. Drill here and gear up at the same time. The problem in the past has always been, the solution is one or the other. We need to implement both!

  6. Hi Windylovekids,

    I am in the process of switching over to ethanol.  I obtained my alcohol fuel producer permit from the ATF.   Built a still and started making ethanol.  Which runs in my 1985 chevy without modification up to 50% mix.  Locating my feedstocks now.  Looking for a couple of folks with a little land and a little will to make a difference to plant some sugar beets or fodder beets.  Improving my brewing and distilling techniques.  Then I'll convert my car over to E98.  Oh yeah and I'll have some extra ethanol fuel for some of my friends.   Then I'll get back into my hydrogen projects.

    Also, taken up several of the hypermiling practices and obtaining 5 additional miles per gallon.  

    Thank you David Blume author of Alcohol Can Be A Gas

    available through the link on my page to Knowledge Publications.  Thank you Steven Harris, CEO Knowledge Publications.  Thank you Roy McAlister President of the American Hydrogen Association.

    Can you add to your question or email me with what you've done to make the change to ethanol fuel.   First thing to do is to educate yourself by reading 'Alcohol Can Be A Gas'.  Next if ethanol is available in your area is to start using it in your vehicle.   The book will explain how to do this without any trouble or unexpected problems.   We have to win because the consequences of failure our too dire.

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