
Re: Electronics kits?

by  |  earlier

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I am a college student looking for an electronics trainer kit, where I can do some experiments on my own. Please recommend a good kit for analog,digital and some communications.





  1. I would never get a kit!  Find a schematic of something you would like to make, buy the parts, buy a breadboard (copper-clad board with holes for parts), and solder it up and test it.  Then troubleshoot it to find out why it doesn't work (common), and learn something real!

    That is what I did, and I really learned a lot!  It helped make me the engineer I am today!

  2. 1) if you are not taking classes a kit can be very helpful. radio shack has this one avaliabe. it looks good.

    there is only so much you can learn from one. ok, there is not much you can learn from one, but it will faniliarize you with the components and how they are used. you cant design any thing if you cant read a resistor or thell me the three legs of a BJT.

    2) get a real protoboard. this will you to build somthing that is cool. with a kit you are realy limited and cant design freely. buy a book of schematics. radio shack used to have some realy good ones. they are hand written and mass produced on a copier.  next you will need a basic digital book, a referance book (i use it all day long on this site) and a good parts supplier.

    basic digital book: go to books a million.

    IC crossrefferanc manual:

    web page for data sheets for everything:

    good parts supplier:

  3. Check out your local Radio Shack store; they should be able to get you hooked up.
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