
Re: Spells. Someone left skeletons of a rat and bird on my doorstep, placed side by side. What does this mean?

by Guest57048  |  earlier

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Re: Spells. Someone left skeletons of a rat and bird on my doorstep, placed side by side. What does this mean?




  1. ignore it.  they're trying to freak you out and you shouldn't even acknowledge that it happened.

  2. I've found that brandishing a secular wand ( a handgun ) tends to make spell casters and their spells evaporate rapidly.

  3. Somebody is playing with your head.

  4. It means that someones cat was hungry.

  5. nothing good I'm sure, who did you p**s off.  

  6. It means someone's trying to freak you out thinking that you have a spell on you. Someone's trying to be a jerk.

  7. Somebody's cat was busy.

  8. are you sure it wasnt just cats?

  9. This means there is a hypo curse on you, you will end up with a bad case of hemorrhoids.

  10. It means some punk teenagers are trying to scare you.  

  11. That would depend on the traditions of whomever left it.

    If it was a cat (as everyone seems to be saying), then it's a sign of respect and admiration.

    If it was voudon (Voodoo) or Santeria, it's someone along the lines of a Brujo who is trying to mess with your head. Clean it up and ignore it.

    If it was teenage kids, they're trying to scare you. I would suggest revenge of an appropriate nature. Spread the word that they have chlamydia and caught it from your porch (by the way... you get chlamydia from contact with bodily fluids, not from walking on someone's porch).

    If you worry about curses and hexes and symbols all the time, you will drive yourself into an early grave. That's something I guarantee.

    But wash your hands after you touch them. You don't know where they've been, and bacteria on them can make you sick.

  12. i don't want to offend you but why the **** would you automatically assume it's a spell. get a life. i'm sure it was a cat. did you know cats like to bring dead animals to doorsteps? WTFFFFF

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