
Re: Steven Segal?

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I love to watch his movies. Since I do not know what type of the martial art he is so brilliant in, please explain to me a little bit about it or direct me to a site where I can found out more about this type of fighting.

Thanks in advance.




  1. aikido uses small joint manipulations and your opponents momentum against them.  look up Gene Lebell, judo master choked out steven segal some years back.

  2. He is an Aikido master, and also has a black belt in Karate. He may be a bad actor, but his martial arts skills are no joke.

  3. He does Akido. He knows some Judo. But Seagal is an expert with Akido. Hes also one of those action movie stars that can act. He is an elite actor on par with the likes of Matt Damon and Dustin Hoffman.

  4. Steven Segal is an aikido master. however his making of action martial arts films is frowned upon by the aikido community because they mostly go agaisnt the teachings of aikido. aikido is meant to promote peace and only defence.

  5. Segal is an aikido master.  I believe he actually has his own website where it talks about his martial arts background as well as his aspring music career.  He lived in Japan for a long time, and even married his old sensei's daughter before Kelly LeBrock.  I think he's like an 6th or 7th dan.
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