
Re: Trolls and Clones?

by  |  earlier

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Do the trolls and clones not realize that they are actually helping us? When they post their stuff they leave it open for people to answer, so several users get points for it. Then, those who do ask or answer rude or hatefully are shunned. In troll Qs, answerers band together and make the community on here stronger. What are your thoughts on this? I'm almost disappointed...I haven't had a clone in nearly a year. I guess I'm just not that popular anymore :D




  1. Yeah i agree with what you said and they waste time making a new account

    but some people can't tell clones from real ones so their reputation is damaged

  2. I am very frusterated because not but 10 minutes ago some guy reported me for asking for best answer when his question was "hey this is how to get best answer blah blah blah"  

  3. gah...i wish i was you. ive been cloned 7x ugh lol. being grrrr!!! sucks right now. but ive developed the reporting habit.

  4. They just take up space on yahooanswers. But its ok, i still get my 2 points, there account gets deleted, they spend 10 minutes making a new one and the same thing happens over and over again. Fun for them.

  5. Hmmm...hadn't thought of it like that. I really don't like it when they steal your user name and then start posting nastiness all over. Also, it bothers me when they post something that seems sincere and people answer with help and concern and it's all a big lie. But you have a point.

  6. and of course Tara J had to put in her 2 cents.

    of course all of those thumbs downs will get her out of here soon enough

  7. Oh dear!

    look's like you upset that g*y TARA J!!!

    Love your question dude
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