
Re: a GHOST TOUR of the WHITE HOUSE, can you write a story that includes as many of these lines as possible?

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This is just for the pure fun of being creative.

1. Gaaaaaaawd. My administration is in shambles.

2. Hey! You knew I was a player when you married me,babe.

3. Moans and groans and the ocassional rattling of jewelry.

4. I am at peace with God. My conflict is with Liberals.

5. Bah!! A plague on both your houses.

6. Okay....Are we on "Candid Camera"?

7. Don't move! Don't panic! Okay....You can panic, now!

8. A man's true character comes out when he's drunk.

9. The howling of the wind,the crash of thunder and now THIS.

10. A tramp, a gentleman, a poet, a dreamer and a __________.

11. Lincoln whispered to Kennedy, '_____________________.'

12. The crowd stood in awe as the former First Lady ____________.




  1. Barak and John were to meet with George in the Oval Office to be briefed on the situation they would face when one of them entered as the next President. George offered his guests some Ovaltine.

    Lincoln whispered to Kennedy, (1) “What if we pep this meeting up with a few moans and groans and the occasional rattling of jewelry.”(2)

    “I think not” said Kant, who happened to be passing by, and thus disappeared.

    The crowd stood in awe as the former First Lady (3) Jackie, came floating in when the diamonds rattled. “John are those the same diamonds you gave Marilyn? She’s not going to sing Happy Birthday to you any more.”

    “Hey! You knew I was a player when you married me, babe.”(4) said John.  Ã¢Â€ÂœBut that’s all over and done with now.  Come on over and listen to what these guys are going to say.”

    “ Okay....Are we on "Candid Camera"? (5) said Barak to George.  Ã¢Â€ÂœDid you invite me here just to get some footage of me being scared by a few dead presidents?

    John, meanwhile, was deep in prayer, repeating his mantra “I am at peace with God. My conflict is with Liberals.”(6)

    And so began the day,

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