
Re-asking photo question here. Photo is large now.?

by  |  earlier

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I used another site to upload my photo, please tell me what you think.




  1. The one with the faces would have been so much more interesting.

    This picture is a time exposure of probably several seconds or more.  The camera was moved at least three times during the exposure.  Pretty simple. The dead giveaway here is the repetition of several features in the photo, and the horizontal streaking.

  2. Looks like a multiple exposure to me. There is one shape that looks like the profile of a face, but where it is a face or not, I cannot say. The multiple exposures created extra copies of this face profile as well as other objects in the photo.

    That's about all I can say about this photo.

  3. what the h**l is it?

  4. well i like it, it sure has alot of faces in it ,,,almost like they are vibrating...i hope its a real photo and hasnt been mucked around with....if its untouched then wow i like it...

  5. Sir,

    I find it as  Jesus Christ is on the cross with his out stretched hands across.

    man you are lucky.!!

    -- Nitya

  6. I see the faces, but I also see a window with curtains super-imposed upon it, where a window never could have been as a door is there, and the door looks quite old. I also see feet from the man in front of t he window. This looks like double exposure to me.

  7. you definitly held the exposure too long on this one.

    There is a photography section which would be much more appropriete for this kind of question.

  8. Double imaging

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