
Re-do my bedroom?

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I would like to re-do my bedroom but im not sure what to do and still have it match my VERY purple walls.

and suggestions?

or and im 15




  1. I would go with green and white, dont make it look to kiddy or u willl grow out of it fast.

  2. all white furniture would look good with VERY purple walls.

  3. white stuff to be girlyier, black stuff(if ur lik eme) add a gothicness to it. so it can go either way. accent the things in ur room, say for instance, like get black curtains that are really long and hang them from the ceiling in a corner. i think that would look awesome. and get some artwork that would look nice, like darkser stuff. andsheets that are either purple with black or white, or black and white with no purple. not the best idea to overkill the purple. red would look nicce also. get some nice lighting too, cool lamps can makeit look awesome. ^_^
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