
Re-enlisting (army) for europe?

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my husband is in the army and has the chance to re-enlist for the army. the person my husband talked to said she cannot get us italy, but can get us europe. i need to know if this is a goOd or bad idea? i don't want to get stationed in a no-fun base in the middle of no-where. plase help!




  1. What part of Europe? beside Italy, most likely he goes to Germany, when most army station in Europe.  Is not bad place, since  germany, you are near many other country with their easy transportation without need of air or sea travel.  Plus they use EURO in most place in europe.

    But did you husband aleady station in Europe or Overse? normally you can't go tour to tour in oversea, you must has to come back to stateside or take a deployment duty like to Iraq etc..

  2. If it's Germany, then you should go for it. I loved it there and would love to go back there. There are small posts located throughout the country and most everywhere is great. And, the countries are so small, you can travel very easily within and outside of Germany.  

  3. "she can get us europe" means he'll be stationed at any post where his MOS is needed. That can be England, Germany, or any other post in Europe. I'd say it's a good idea if nothing else than to visit a new country. I was stationed in Germany for 4 years and LOVED it. As far as no-fun I don't recall any town i visited being "no-fun. Tour and enjoy the new culture.

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