
Re-enlistment and the DD214?

by  |  earlier

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I was in the Army for a little over 6 months and was discharged with a medical board without getting out of BCT and IET status. After my injuries heal, I wish to re-enlist in the military again. Is it possible for me to enlist in any of the other branches and will all I need is the DD214 or will I have to get a lot more paperwork done?




  1. you will need your DD214... you'll have a ton of paperwork and you'll need to see a doc, my husband went through 6 months of stuff trying to get into the Navy after his Entry Level Sep from the Marines for a back problem... which it turns out he never had, they just wouldn't wait for him to heal

  2. 1st look up your RE code that is on your DD-214 and see if you can re-enlist. You can find the code listing on-line. If it not going to be a prob go talk to a recruiter take you DD-214 and follow instructions good luck


  3. Depends on the RE Code on your DD-214. If it is RE-3 or 4, there will be a problem. You will, of course, need to pass the physical.

  4. First off it depends what is your RC code on your DD214.  Most likely if you were boarded you might not be allowed to come back in.  Best bet talk with a recruiter if they say no try the guard/reserves.

    You will more than likely have to start the whole process over again.

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