
Re-enlistment question?

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I am writing a fictional short story about a guy that was in the Army. He served in Iraq and is now back home. He's been out of the military for 6 months, but has decided he wants to go back to Iraq.

Would he re-enlist?

If he re-enlists (if that's the proper term), would he be able to go back to the same unit at the same rank?

Is he guaranteed to go back to Iraq?

How long would it take from the time he re-enlists to the time he would be re-deployed?

Also, how long does he have to be over there before he would be eligible to return to the States for leave?

Is there a maximum amount of time you can spend in Iraq?

I know these are a lot of questions, but I want my story to be accurate, and I have no military experience at all.

I appreciate any help that I can get.





  1. I'll tackle these as you've asked them so bare with me.

    1.  If he did over 8 years and had no IRR time left, then he would simply "enlist" in the US Army.  If he had an MSO (Military Service Obligation) remaining on his contract then it would simply be a matter of paper contracting him/her back to the Active Army.

    2.  Same Rank yes, same MOS (job), yes, same unit wouldn't happen unless he just got lucky.  He may have the option to change jobs as well, but again it would be a matter of luck.

    3.  No, he's not guaranteed to go back, or not go back to Iraq or Stan.

    4.  See above answer.

    5.  See above answer, however if he went back then it would be the same as if he were new to the Army and he'd have a mid-tour leave scheduled like most other Soldiers.

    6.  I've talked to a couple of Long Tab buddys that have done 26 months straight but they're kinda "Special" and that doesn't pertain to all other troops.  For the most part, the most you can spend in country is the duration of your tour...usually 12 months now, formerly 15 months for the Army.  

    Hope this helps!

  2. re-enlist is when you are in the military and you sign a new contract to extend your length of service how many ever years....but when you get out of the military stay out for a while the come back in that what they call "prior service" meaning they were in got out and coming back in...and no he would be sent to a different unit and usually when someone gets out and comes back in they usually get dropped atleast one need to give him a mos what job does he do in the military that would be a factor on his chances of re-deployment...leave for a unit begins after only 30 days of the arriaval in theater like iraq...leave last the entire length of deployment however the last soldier taking leave must be back from leave before the 30th day out of returning home....max time you can be in iraq is 18 months....and also whats called "dwell time" is how many days have passed since your return from your deployment....your suppose to have 12 months dwell time before you can be deployed again....but trust me ive seen people get ****** on that one....

  3. Would he re-enlist?  No he would ENLIST as prior service. If he ETS'd within six monts E4 and below, he would retain same rank if he gets same MOS.  If he was E5 or above, he would require a grade determination, hopefully he had PLDC(WLC) if he was an E5 and/or BNCOC if E6.  Depending on what unit he is assigned to will determine when he would redeploy.  Return would be based on when the unit redeploys.  I spent 16 months in Afghanistan (I volunteered to stay an extra month), most units deploying are on 12 or 15 months deployments.

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