
Re-occuring dream. Could it have meaning?

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I've had this dream for two years now. It's always the same, but I have yet to figure out what, if anything it means.

In the dream, I am walking along a lonely road. I'm backpacking, but I'm also hungry. As I move up the road I come to this squat house. It's a Japanese home, with small garden. I pause at this house, taking a moment to clean some leaves from a shrine out front of it. The dream skips here, with me finding myself inside. There's a young woman there fixing me tea, but I'm unable to hear what she says. It's not that I can't understand it, but I can't hear anything. In fact through the whole dream there is no sound. The dream always ends the same way. The woman reaches to hand me a scrap of paper, and then it flashes again. Now, the house is apparently abandoned, and has been that way for some time. The paper is still in my hand, but as I go to open it I wake up. Nine times out of ten, in a cold sweat.




  1. Your dream shows that you are frustrated and exhausted in your life but your backpacking and walking on the road points to prosperity and obtaining good things.

    The paper handed to you shows a person teaching you fraud or something immoral.

    The leaves you were cleaning depends on what color they were. The white leaves signify good news. There threats against you and the women shelters you and makes tea for you because she wants you to sit, rest and relax to avoid illness.

  2. I believe this dream may represent a couple things here.  For one the red backpack may represent emotions you have been carrying with you such as hatred, anger, resentment, etc. for some time now.  You are shown hospitality and kindness but unable to hear it which may be something at this point in your life you are not wanting to hear or listen to in regards to dealing with the emotion you are carrying.  In a sense seeming "foreign" to you like the lady.  The answer you are seeking I believe is within reach but could easily be gone in a moment, such as a "window of opportunity" presenting itself (abandoned house).  The answer you seek to help you unload the "baggage" you've been carrying lies in your Him out on it, He will answer.  Hoping this helps!

  3. You seem competent in your writing (relatively rare on Yahoo Answers) This little story is creepy. You should turn it into a book.

    If you believe in signs or fate. As for an interpretation, I have no idea.

  4. Maybe you had a previous relationship with someone that fell apart, or doesn't feel the same anymore. The house could represent the relationship, first there, then abandoned, and you don't know how to feel about it, so you wake up before you read the paper. The paper could represent what you think, but since you don't know you can't read it. The girl stands out in you mind most because of the blue eyes. Maybe the person in this relationship has blue eyes, or you are attracted to blue eyes therefore circling the meaning back to the whole deal of having a relationship. You are backpacking alone, so this is a journey in life that you are alone in with the decision making.

  5. Hmmm...I really don't no what it means but,try learning to lucid dream so when you have the dream again you'll be aware of the dream and ask the lady what's going on or try to deceifer the paper or the enviroment around you.

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