
Re occuring dream?

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i keep having this dream about my teeth falling out and me crying because there is no way of getting them back!

does anyone know what it means?

i heard that some people think it brings bad luck if you dream about your teeth falling out. is this true?





  1. No it doesn't mean bad luck.  I feel this is changes that have happened around you, that you are not happy with. Feels like something in your family.  You wish things could be the way they used to be but they can't.

  2. Luck is all based on the believer, you can either believe in good and bad luck or not....but back to your dream, your teeth may represent parts of your life these could be positive or negative sections of your life and the losing of your teeth may represent how you are abandoning the past (if they are negative sections) and looking to a brighter future or they may be your mind trying to show you how things are not going well at the moment and that your forgetting the positive sections, the reoccuring part may be the fact that the problem of you forgetting the positive parts isn't being dealt with and you are still not remembering the good parts so it will keep playing the dream until you start to remember them again.

  3. Maybe you have more concern about your appearance now because of maturing more.

  4. Usually when a person dreams of losing teeth is has to do with feelings of vulnerability or vanity.

    When I dream of losing my teeth it usually has to do with vanity and what I think other people think of me.  It's scary to wonder what your friends would think of you if you were toothless.

    So, what has happened recently to make you feel insecure, vulnerable and worry about your appearances?

  5. this is an anxiety dream and you  can have this when you are worried about failing or losing  something,
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