
Re occuring sore on my testicles, please help

by  |  earlier

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ive had a re occuring sore on my testicles, like a blister. its come and gone about 3 times in the last year. Sometimes my testicles and groin area hurt really bad when i dont even do anything also. im scared :( what could it be?




  1. could be herpes or something :( u might wanna see a doctor

  2. Dude, seriously,

    If you got pain and trouble with the boys and you are not RUNNING to the doctor, you're nuts ...(no pun intended)

  3. Syphilis.



    cyst ?.

    ingrown hair.


    there really isnt really any physical syptoms when it comes to AIDS the only way to know whether you are infected is to be tested for HIV. You cannot rely on symptoms alone because many people who are infected with HIV do not have symptoms for many years. Someone can look and feel healthy but can still be infected. In fact, one quarter of the HIV-infected persons in the United States do not know that they are infected

  4. It sounds like Herpes.  

  5. You have Genital Herpies. You need to see a doctor and get on Valtrex.  

  6. It could be a STD, such as  Genital herpes. I would see a doctor. I would also take Valtrax. In couldn't be AIds, because you would be jaundice and typically dieing. With Genital Herpes, blisters occur on your genital area and occur periodially. During a breakout, your genital area is sore and blisters spread out. If you have sexual intercourse during a breakout. You risk breaking a blister and getting it infected and infecting your partner. Many people go without underwear during and outbreak to lower friction of the blister. They also avoid vigorous activity.

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