
Re-opening this ? a third time?

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I didn't get good answers first time around or second. Let me clear up that I have witnessed the radio turning itself on, the power button is on front of the radio, this radio is a radio only device meaning it doesn't have cd or casette function. She has the radio set to AM. She has told me that the radio randomly turns on in the middle of the night and sometimes in the morning. Every time it keeps playing the same artist, but diffferent song. She isn't going paranoid because whenever I've witnessed the radio turning itself on, it's only been the rolling stones. The only reason I can think of is the batteries are going, but she said after the first time it happened, she replaced the batteries with brand new ones and put it in a new outlet, but it still happened. Can anyone debunk this? No remote control. Her radio is an old one from like the 90's - mid millenium. She actually got it in 1999. Her 49 year old son has a friend from high school that is an electrician/tv, electronics repair




  1. now.......... IF the radio had no batteries and was unplugged......then I would say definitely paranormal.

    But, with the batteries in and/or it plugged in, it could be a short.

    The strange thing is that it plays the rolling stones each time..... now that actually does almost sound paranormal, like a signal or something. Do the songs have something in common? Does the rolling stones remind her of someone in particular?  Perhaps a concert or something she read about them around the time it started.

    There are many possibilities to what it could mean.

  2. It doesn't sound as if there is any evidence to indicate paranormal activity.  Could be an electrical short in the radio that is affected by static charge, expansion and contraction related to temperature, or humidity.  The only way to document the "creepy" factor is to video tape the radio turning itself on and playing the same song.  This evidently hasn't been done, and anecdotal evidence is notoriously unreliable.

  3. Has the radio ever been dropped? ever fallen off the shelf? and it is an "old" one? I would believe this to be a fault in the eletrical/electronic circuitry -- creepy, maybe -- explainable, probably. Most radio stations have a lot of electronics going on, most stations are "playing" music from a studio far, far, away. Alot of this is satellite downloads. I would think that there are probably electronic "headers" and "footers" to most songs these days, just like on a CD -- they are there, but you don't "hear" them. One theory -- the radio is sensitive to "headers" from the Stones and "turns itself on" when the appropriate signal is received. 2nd choice, the radio has become sensitive to other local signals, the neighbors WIFI, for instance, somebody's cell phone, a cell phone tower -- there are an amazing number of different types of electromagnetic radiation busting around. Even if the radio has never been dropped, electronics do wear out, weaken, corrode, etc -- anyone ever spill something on the radio, is there a lot of moisture in the air when cooking foods, like boiling spaggetti, making soups?

    Far too many probable causes to be "para-" anything, but I would replace the radio promptly -- the last thing you want is for it to short itself and start a fire.

    Warm wishes

  4. I'm wondering now if maybe the radio is on ..but turned down on low...and when the Rolling Stones come on...maybe the DJ turns it up louder because he likes them. Just an idea!

  5. I am sorry but I have no real answer.  I have heard of many paranormal encounters similar to that described, but being paranormal there is really no way to have proof.  If it is a ghost it must like the Stones so hook it up with some tunes and see if it presents itself to you?

  6. If you really wanted an answer to this you would be posting this question in the Electronics section or the proper science section- the fact that you are posting under paranormal tells me that the only answer you will be happy with is one that says it is a ghost or some other claptrap.

  7. Okay you said rolling stones? Well look on the web of bios of rolling stones. Find out what is being said.

  8. I guess the 'House bound Spirit' has good taste in music....

  9. Again, this is not abnormal. 'Ghosts' Or 'Spirits' have different ways of communicating with us. They are not able to just walk up to you and shake your hand. They do what it is they can to  get your attention!! It may or may not be something. I have things turn off and on, and have had ppl over to try and figure it out. No explanation!! As far as the stones, maybe research your surroundings. It may represent the time period in which this potential being may have been there.

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