
Re-post Self-Esteem.. I need your help I have this amazing younger sister.?

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I have this amazing younger sister. She’s smart, she’s beautiful, she’s talented but the only thing is she doesn’t know it. Like many young teenager she thinks she’s not pretty enough, she’s not skinny enough and she’s not good enough. Because of all the girls we see in the media, she thinks that that’s the way to be or look in order to be happy and successful. She’s extremely insecure and I want to do something that’s going to show her that’s she’s amazing and beautiful person inside and out. She thinks she’s fat when she’s truly not. And since she really believe me when I keep telling her how I would die to have her amazing body I need your help. I need you to take a look at the picture and say the first thing that comes into your mind, something that you like about her on the picture.




  1. the first thing that came to my mind was natural beauty... her hair is amazing...her body from what i can see is very nice and looks in shape...her smile is just beautiful with her white teeth...i dont know why she is insecure...good job for doing what your doing as a sister...i have a younger sister also that is going through the same thing...

  2. her teeth are really white!

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