
Re-post about Mutations that enable a successful display of natural Selection.?

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I got a couple of cantankerous responses. Semantics are very important to you guys so here it goes.

If a mistake happens in cell division. ..and the mutation results in an advantage...and this advantage is reproduced over time. Can (you can start your smile or frown now) this be something a christion can hang his hat on. God causes mistakes at a cell level.




  1. i think cancer is proof that mutations occur,

    and i think the cell level divisons are proof there is no god, because he wouldnt let the negatives like this to occur.  (not even speaking of the positives)

    but in the end it will be opionion reguardless,


  2. Why do you wish to put you delusion into a natural, algorithmic process? Semantics are not nearly as important as the evidence. We have no evidence that deletions, insertions, UV radiation, or any other random ( or non-random, as we can induce mutation ) mutational process is the result of " magic men. "  Your assertion is unsupportable and incoherent. Science needs no god hypothesis, as something that explains everything, god, explains nothing.

    Do not e-mail me again, either, but go here and learn.

  3. You may have better luck if you ask this in the Religion section, as this is more a religious question than one about evolution.

    Religious and scientific theories about human origins can't be combined.  Nor, in my opinion, should they.  One is based on science, the other on faith.

  4. I studied Biology in university and I am a strong believer in the process of evolution and natural selection.

    However, I look at natural selection and evolution as a tool God provided to living things. Your view appears to be more pessimistic and believes that evolution and mutations show God's mistakes (if I interpreted your question correctly).

    The environment is constantly changing and as a result oranisms must be able to adapt. God knew this in advance and provided a process for this to occur. Some see it as mistakes but I see it as good planning.

  5. 'nature' is always experimenting

  6. After mapping the human genome, isn't a significant percentage of it virally transplanted DNA?

    I would say that's a mistake that has resulted in a quite an advantage.

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