
Re. the suicides in Bridgend South Wales. It seems to me that these youngsters are possibly being hypnotised?

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as they all seem to be aquainted with each other. you know, a friend, of a friend, of a friend. It's very sad.




  1. i was talking about this today its very odd

    not hypnotised but somebody else or maybe a lot more people are involved in this

  2. i think bridgend must be a really S**t place to live if the only way to get out is to hang yourself.

  3. i still don't understand how something like 20 deaths by suicide in one area, even if Bridgend is quite large, are not connected somehow. If you said say London, then you perhaps wouldn't be making that assumption, but i don't understand how they are not connected in some way. All fairly young people, wouldn't it be really terrible if it was some cult and no one has yet seen the link. I mean no one looked in to Harold Shipman until hundred were dead, very bizarre.

  4. I'm not sure what you mean, it specifically said on the news that many of these people don't actually know each other.

    It started with the 2 cousins though, but the others nuh uh.

  5. I said the same thing quite a while ago but people laughed.

    But I still say it is a possiblity.

    Rich B.

    Have I been reading the wrong papers ?

    I believe it as been stated that  the first 9 suicides knew one another.

    You further say, " You can't hypnotise anyone to committ suicide, thats rubbish." If this was not the internet and you would accept a bet, I could prove you wrong.

  6. No No No! There is no connection as announced by the police and the coroner. BTW suicides happen not just in Bridgend, tragic as they are there is nothing to suggest a cult activity.

  7. Hypnotism is a very unlikely cause! You cannot hypnotise someone to do something so extreme, unless they were already prepared to do so.

    I think what is happening is a "domino effect".

  8. Police are looking for someone with a top hat, cape and swirly eyes..

  9. If very few of the people know one another then why would the instance of suicide be above average and why are we hearing so much of it?

    There's probably suicides elsewhere - in fact one young kid killed himself last week because two of his family members died.

    But how does the media get hold of these stories? Someone is feeding them the stories.

    I don't think they have any news interest at all.

    Before reading this question I read the one about Derren Brown - apparently a lady died after filming. Perhaps there has been something going on that nobody has been aware of and perhaps it is just the work of one person - someone like Derren brown perhaps. It's the kind of thing a black magician would do too.

  10. A strong man could easily hang these poor kids and make it look like suicide. Just a thought but I wonder if the police have considered it.?

  11. I think drug use is a problem in the Bridgend area and I do wonder whether all the deaths are drug related.

  12. You can't hypnotise someone into committing suicide. That's rubbish.

    Police have found no link between the suicides. Most of the suicide victims did not know each other and there was no suggestion that an "internet suicide cult" was to blame; some of the victims didn't even use the internet.

    What I think happened is this. At any one time, there are a certain number of people thinking about committing suicide but only a small number will go through with it. However, hearing about a suicide on the news, or in the paper will actually make a suicidal person more likely to do it. Therefore, the hysterical coverage of these cases has actually done more harm than good.

  13. No.

    Don't think so.

    Decode this lyrics " Don't know much - about misery"

    Just the young one.

    At loss and blurr over the loss of their friends.

    Could not overcome their misery.

    With self lack of knowledge.

    But to self destruct in time.

    Luke 9.25,55-56,60

    Luke 8.5-8,10-17

    Luke 11. 33-36,46-49

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    Their misery over the loss of our creator's universal gifts of life that created the missing link in the genration gap created back in the past without being aware of it being expose in time.

    The reality and horrors that became a nightmares in time.

    John 7.19

    What do you think?

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