
Re: these lines...Can you write a funny story and include as many as possible..Just 4 the pure fun of it?

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They should be only a part of the story, not the entire story.

1. OMG! I look like a cartoon character!!

2. You've got spunk.

3. Get out of my way, you second-class moron from the University of DUH!!

4. This is the city, not some little rinky dink cowtown.

5. Dahhhhhhhling....You look mahhhhhhhhhhvelous.

6. One small step for man and one tumble down the stairs for ______.

7. Mom always liked you best but dad left all his money to ME!!

8. Read my lips:.........Do you have any chapstick?

9. That's a part of the whole, you know, 'them-not-liking-you' extravaganza!

10. How could you have left the stove on? You haven't cooked since 1985.

11. You smell like last week's garbage but your earings are sooooo cool.

12. Whassup, my brotha from anotha motha?





    Once upon a time in TV Land, lived Fernando the Fox and Kermit the Frog. “What do Fernando the Fox and Kermit the Frog have in common?” you might ask. They both have the same middle name, as well as being BFF.

    Everybody knows Kermit loves Miss Piggy. Fernando felt the same way about Vicki.  The night they got engaged, Vicki stayed overnight. She put on some soft music and poured some wine while Fernando put on his Spiderman pajamas. The next morning Fernando woke up, with a smile on his lips, and a song in his heart, thinking about how awesome it was to finally sleep with a woman he didn’t have to inflate.

    Fernando turned to Vicki, as she lay next to him, and said, “DAHHHHHLING…. YOU LOOK MAHHHHHHHVELOUS!”

    “You are absolutely right,” Vicki agreed. “When I look into your eyes, I see a reflection of me, and I do look marvelous.” …. “It’s better to look good, than to feel good,” thought Fernando to himself, as he got out of bed, feeling a bit hung over from the night before, and headed to the bathroom.

    “Got any chapstick, Fernando?” asked  Vicki …. “Speak up!…. I didn’t quite hear you,” replied Fernando. “You know I’m slightly deaf.” ….. “READ MY LIPS,” shouted  Vicki. “DO YOU HAVE ANY CHAPSTICK?” …. “Oh! Sure!” answered Fernando. “There’s some in the medicine cabinet.”

    “GET OUT OF MY WAY, YOU SECOND-CLASS MORON FROM THE UNIVERSITY OF DUH!!” shouted Vicki, as she overtook Fernando in the bathroom doorway. “I need that Chapstick NOW!!”

    “It’s all about ME, ya know!” said Vicki, as she grabbed the Chapstick, and started shaving her legs with Fernando’s razor.  

    “OMG! I LOOK LIKE A CARTOON CHARACTER!!” Fernando  remarked, as he looked in the mirror of the medicine cabinet. “My fur going every which way but loose is just not a good look for me!”

    “Neither are those Spiderman pajamas!” replied Vicki with a frown. “Why can’t you just sleep in boxers like other guys do?”

    “I love you, Vicki,” said Fernando, "even though your ego is big enough for two zip codes, but  can't you say something nice about me for a change?” …. “Of course,” replied Vicki. “YOU‘VE GOT SPUNK!”.

    “And, that’s a good thing because why?” asked Fernando. “It takes a man with spunk to love a woman like me, and I love you too,” replied Vicki. “Now, that’s all you get--wouldn’t want to spoil you!”

    “Well, I gotta split,” announced Vicki. “I promised to visit my parents today.”…. “Why don’t you ever take me along?"  asked Fernando. “Because they don’t like you,” Vicki answered.

    “Do you think your parents will ever accept me as their son in law?” asked Fernando. “Certainly, “THAT’S A PART OF THE WHOLE, YOU KNOW, ‘THEM-NOT-LIKING-YOU’ EXTRAVAGANZA!” Vicki replied, as she rushed out the door.  Ã¢Â€ÂœThey figure we deserve each other!”

    “Don’t forget, we are meeting Kermit and Miss Piggy tonight for dinner in Cowtown,” Fernando called after her.

    Meanwhile, at Kermit and Miss Piggy’s apartment, Kermit wandered out to the kitchen to put on a pot of coffee. “OMG!” he exclaimed to himself. “One of the burners on the stove is red hot.” …..  Ã¢Â€ÂœMiss Piggy,” he called to her. “Did you leave the stove on by any chance?” … “Ooops! Kermie! I guess Moi must have!” replied Miss Piggy.

    “HOW COULD YOU HAVE LEFT THE STOVE ON?” Kermit asked incredulously. “YOU HAVEN’T COOKED SINCE 1985.”  

    “Well, um…er….ya see, Moi was going to surprise you, and make breakfast, “ cried Miss Piggy. “What were you planning to cook?“ asked Kermit curiously. “Fudgsicles, replied Miss Piggy tearfully, “but when Moi tried to fry them, they just kinda melted all over the stove, and Moi didn’t know what to do, so Moi went back to bed.” ….  Ã¢Â€ÂœWell, that explains what this brown gunk is that I‘m standing in,” answered Kermit. “I was afraid to ask.”

    “Why don’t we just go out for breakfast, and I will call ’Maids`R Us’ to come in and clean the kitchen while we are gone,” suggested Kermit. “Can we do that?” asked Miss Piggy, as if she had never heard of such a thing. “Of course,“ replied Kermit. “THIS IS THE CITY, NOT SOME LITTLE RINKY DINK COWTOWN.”.

    “Then could we also go shopping and do lunch?” brightened Miss Piggy. “Moi could use a new Taekwondo outfit, and some shoes, and a new dress, something tres chic,  with a touch of Wonder Woman!”

    "Your wish is my command," answered Kermit. "And, then later, we are supposed to  meet Fernando and Vicki at Barney’s Beanery for dinner.”


    “WHASSUP, MY BROTHA FROM ANOTHA MOTHA??” Kermit asked Fernando as he greeted his old friend. “I’d like to present the future Mrs. Fernando Fox,  announced Fernando, as Vicki held out her hand so Kermit and Miss Piggy could admire her new ring.

    “Miss Piggy, YOU SMELL LIKE LAST WEEK’S GARBAGE, BUT YOUR EARRINGS ARE SOOOOOO COOL,” enthused Vicki. “I’m so glad you like them,” replied Miss Piggy. “They are really just some leftover onion rings I saved from lunch for later.”

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