
Re use train ticket?

by  |  earlier

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I went to Newcastle on the train and had a 2 way return ticket. The return ticket said that it was valid until the 5th July, but the going out ticket said it was valid just the day I went out.

I was wondering if I am still able to use the return ticket? As it has already been hole punched by a ticket person. Or will that be unvalid as I have already used it?





  1. Go to the Station Master and explain that the Ticket Inspector accidently punched my return ticket  on my outward  bound journey...The  S M are normally very very helpful  better to go at a quiet time   not when throngs of football fans  are  travelling   lol

  2. You can use the return portion of the ticket at any time before 5th July, but you can only use it once. If you've already used it (and had it stamped or punched), you can't use it again.

  3. Most likely, the first ticket had to be used on the day of purchase whereas the return ticket could be used anytime during a predetermined time period (such as 30 days from the time of purchase).  In any case, you've used it and you probably cannot use the same ticket twice.
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