
Re-using shirt patterns?

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I recently decided that I was going to make my own western show shirts because I am really tall and really thin and can't find any shirts to fit me. I have several patterns and would like to keep the originals if I can just in case I need to use another size some day. What is the best way to re-use patterns over and over again? Is there an easy way to copy them onto something else? How do I preserve them since they are so thin and rip easily?




  1. I have had patterns for years and reuse them all the time.  The ones they have now, that come in several sizes are handy.  I just fold the edges under that are for a size I don't need and cut out the fabric.  I have been sewing for over 30 years and I have never cut one out of something else.  You just need to handle with care.

  2. You can trace your pattern on plastic like the ones use for  vapour barriers it comes in a wide width and  thickness ,use a permanent marker to draw the seam allowance etc.. if you use  tissue paper it rips too easy.

  3. I trace my patterns onto newspaper and just recycle it when it gets too worn. Your original pattern is kept in tact. I have basic patterns I use for the general shape and fit so keeping the original is very important to me.

    Good Sewing!

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