
Re-wiring electrical... Help!?

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Here is my situation. My husband installed a dishwasher for me over a year ago. The dish washer plugs into the same outlet my garbage disposal plugs into. The outlet in under my kitchen sink in the back of the cabinet. This outlet is connected to a switch located right behind my sink on the back splash. This is the problem. In order to use the dish washer, I have to unplug the disposal because the disposal will run the whole time if the switch is on. And so every time I need to use the disposal I have to crawl under the sink to plug it in. (VERY annoying) So I have been waiting for my husband to fix this for over a year and he keeps putting it off. So I want to know how I would go about doing this my self? I need to know what supplies I need, fittings? Basically step by step instructions and a materials list... Hope someone can help. Thanks in advance!




  1. You need to remove the tab(breakout fin) on the outlet that connects the upper and lower jacks.Then put the switch and neutral to one of the jacks.Then run the input(breaker) side of the switch to the other outlet on a piece of wire  Then plug the disposal into the switched side(because dishwasher has o/off switch)

  2. Ok you should be able to have them both plugged in at the same time.

    You need to open the outlet (turn off breaker first) and find the wires that go from the switch to the outlet.

    This would be easier if you had a picture, but i'll try my best.

    The outlet can work two different ways (most of them) you have to connect half of the outlet to the main power, then connect the other half to work with the switch.

  3. Oh, I missed the part about where the switch was.  Ron G is right but here is a band aid.

    Use a 14awg 3 wire SJ or similar cord (should have a black rubber jacket) you can get at Lowes long enough to go from the back of the cabinet to the front plus spare.    Put a plug on the end of the cord.  Run the cord through a cord grip on a handy box to a switch. Mount the switch under the sink near the door for easy access. Wire the garbage disposal into the new switch.  (another cord grip and SJ wire)  Mount the switch under the sink near the door for easy access.  Plug in the dishwasher and new cord into the outlet at the back of the cabinet.  Now you can turn the disposal on and off from under the sink.

    Or you have it done correctly by an electrician.

  4. Sorry there is no easy way to hook this up correctly. I really admire your gumption. To do it properly and not have fires or shorts just call the electrician an chalk it up to the lazy husband. There really should be a separate 20 amp circuit for the dishwasher. This is not something to try and do yourself unless you are really handy. With the way you described the problem there is no breaking off tabs and rewiring simply. The next thing is start feeding the husband with tv dinners, cereal, and disposable silverware. After a couple weeks of this you will probably have the hookup done.-----------------------p.s. What you have is a switched outlet that is powered from the switch for the disposal. There usually will not be any more wires in that outlet to tap off of for your dishwasher hookup. Once again, internet advice is only so good. Get an electrician if the husband won't come through. This particular problem can injure or kill you if the right circumstances are met.

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