
Reaching peace of mind?????????????????

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What does it mean to reach peace of mind???? I think i have an idea, but i'm not really sure.. what exactly does it mean?




  1. I "reach" for peace of mind by non-striving.

  2. feeling at peace,, confident...loving everyone.

  3. As long as there is mind, there can be no peace. Mind is restless activity.

    To attain to peace, one must transcend mind.

  4. Learn to meditate.

    In my opinion, peace of mind is an "experience".

    However, in general, one can get peace of mind by following the straight path.  

    One excellent example of the straight path:

    The Ten Commandments.

    An exact example of Peace of mind:

    Not worrying about what may or many not happen.  Most of what we worry about, never happens and we just waste our time.

    Leave, what does not concern us.

    Cause and effect:

    Action... reaction:

    As you sow, so shall you reap.

    Personally, I do transcendental meditation..... and I love what it does for me+


  5. good morning sister

    great question

    1 earlier i live in depression all the time,i never get peace of mind,i think a lot,i was suffring from negative thinking,i go to hospital but never get treated.

    2 than i started the great practice of sun meditation

    when sun rises in the morning it is red we had to concentrate on the rising sun,now i am doing it from 3 months

    all my headache etc had been gone

    i feel a great divine power inside me

    all my diseases are going slowly and slowly

    my mental strenght had increases

    there are many other benefits,it can also led to englightment

    it is a greatest form of meditation which involve no teacher,no cost

    you will take energy from greatest source of energy sun

    benefits of sun gazing

    1 all your mental and physical diseases will gone.

    2 your mental strenght will increases and you will get complete peace of mind.

    3 you will became a  non eater tha you not need to eat the food

    it can also led to englightment

    sister please search sun gazing on google,it is my request.

    god bless you sister and will give you,power,beauty,knowledge and peace of mind

    i tell you all this because i had got many benefits,the energy of sun had burned all my depression,negative thinking and had given me a great peace of mind.

    gazing at sun in morning is safe as there is no ultraviolet rays at that time

    bye sister,please do it if you want peace of mind

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