
Read On Please... Its About s*x?

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Is it natural for a 13 year old girl to have the urge to experiment s*x?

I feel it might happen at a young age as me and a boy i really like chatted about it the other day and considered trying it soon?

Is this just not right, i no its to young but i know people who have done it and i feel left out as well.

Obviously we would use protection.

Should I not do it?




  1. No i Don't Actually Think You Should And That's Just My Opinion  

  2. It's not right just to try it on curiousity grounds

    You're too young

    You wouldn't know what to do and you'd be scared

    and there's the chance of falling pregnant

    Why do people give in to peer pressure? Stupid people

  3. you sound responsible!! think about the consequences!! think about how mature you are!! think 'are you mature enough to handle the consequences'!! if you are,then i dont see the problem!! if you think that this boy is the one you want to loose your virginity to then go ahead!!

    also: dont do it just because you feel left out or are presheared!! dont do it if you dont feel comfortable!!

  4. I would.

  5. No, you shouldn't be doing it.  There's plenty of time for s*x, but not at 13.  You're too young and not emotionally mature enough to deal with it.

    Ignore anyone else who said s*x at 13 is a good thing.  It's not, and if you were my daughter and I found out you were considering this, I'd be very upset and concerned.  Don't feel left out because others are doing, that's a very immature thing to say and shows you're not ready for it.

    And if you do ignore this and go ahead, for heavens sake make sure you use a condom safely, we already have too many babies being born into unstable family environments by girls who can't cope (and who would at 13?)

  6. I say your to young wait til your 16. if you are feeling s*x urges then you can m********e but don't lose your virginity at 13. if are feeling a lot of sexually urges just m********e

  7. It's natural to have the urge but you are too young.  You know you are too young.  Please don't do it until you are older.

    We all have urges, but that doesn't mean we have to act on them.

  8. lauren benda?

  9. No you are too young :-(

    When you do it you become a man and theres no turning back.

    Enjoy youre childhood and be free, live with no such stesses for at least another couple of years and make that fisrt time memerable with the person you love x

  10. you have plenty of time to experiment but at 13 i think your too young you might regret it later.

  11. NO!!!!!!!!!

  12. I know people will say your too young etc but it all depend on whether or not you are ready, forget what your friends have and havent done, they could even be lying about it because they feel the same way you do. you do what you think is right and dont get pushed into anything by anyone, although alot of people who do it young often say they regret it. good luck with your decision :) x

  13. I had s*x at 12, so do as u will just do it safe. your growing up its ok to have these thoughts. Don't do it for a wrong reason because u feel left out, u only get ur first time well only one time and u can only give ur virginity to 1 guy so think it thru. DO as u feel what is right, people here cant make ur decision for you, only give u advice and there opinions.Good luck practice safe s*x.

  14. Yes it is normal to be thinking about s*x at ur age.Just really understand what can happen.Condoms don't protect against STDs.I had my 1st kid at 17 I am 22 now.Just make sure you are ready for everything that goes along with s*x.I'm not gonna tell u ur too young,lets face it u will do whatever u feel is right for u.I was you at one point in my life.Just make sure ur ready.

  15. its up to you. wear protection

  16. I can't tell you how to lead your life but don't feel left out. In a few years from now you'll wish to god you hadn't done it. You probably think stupid old git what does he know. All I can tell you is wait until you are in a relationship that means everything. That way it will feel so right and you will feel a lot happier with yourself.

  17. It sounds like you have already made up your mind so nothing I'm going to say is going to make a difference. But I'll say it anyway. You are way too young. You may think you know everything or at least a majority but you don't! It also sounds like you are being pressured into it. Just because someone says they have done it doesn't mean they have. Statistics say there is an increase of year 12 virgins these days. So many people lie about their virginity. Have you ever heard of STDs? And even using protection can only do so much. You still have a chance, a very small chance but still a chance of getting pregnant. I have no doubt if you have s*x now you will most certainly regret it in later life. I know someone who did it when she was 12 and not a day goes by when she doesn't regret it. But in the end it is up to you. No one here can decide for you. Me, personally, no way. For you, it may be a totally different story. s*x is a big step and it stays with you forever.

  18. no dont do it....dont be in such a developed early well your body has...let your brains and hormones catch up to it...if you must it by 13 or 12  you could be going down a terrible road if  you are not protection is don't do it at it for someone really special when your a lot older...dont become the  school  s**t..because once you do it that boy will pass the word on..

    its natural to feel the urge but you can satisfy the urge you dont need help from a boy at your age and he wont know what he's doing anyways

  19. This is coming from my opinion. I think that if the person is ready, then they should do what they want. Just be really prepared. Check your charts, use a condom(both of you using one would be best), make sure you'll be alone and together for at least a day. Just be really prepared. I lost mine when I was thirteen and it hurt, but I'm glad I did it. s*x is a GOOD thing. No matter how many people tell you it's bad, don't listen. It's glorious and beautiful and just special. I would make sure who ever you do it with really loves you. You don't want to loose it to just some random guy, trust me on that.

  20. don't  go have s*x so early you'll probably regret wait 4 that real special someone don't go having s*x because other ppl all ready done so

    "cool is another word for fool"  

  21. Dont do 13 your not experienced/mature enuff to know if you really want to or are ready to have s*x. Do you really wanna look back @ ur life and know that u lost ur virginity @ 13 years old?? Trust me its not a good look and ur more than liely to regret losing it @ such a tender age...waiting wont hurt you but rushing will.

    Talk to you mum abt it or an older sibling/friend b4 u decide.

  22. Hi,

    No don't do it!

    If everyone was jumping off a cliff, would you feel left out and want to do the same thing?!

    Why spend you life being a sheep and copying everyone else?

    Have some self respect!

    Having s*x should only be considered when you emotionally and physically ready to handle the consequences. Not all contraception is a 100% foolproof.

    Having s*x for the first time is a major emotional moment. It more than just the physical.

    You need to do it with someone you trust. You need to know a guy longer to be comfortable around him and everything.

    PLEASE WAIT! If this guy is genuinely a nice guy then he will wait till you old enough and ready enough to have s*x.

    If he pressures you then he is so NOT the right guy for you to be losing your virginity too!


  23. I have never met a 13yo grrl that did not want s*x, or thought about it a lot.

    You should limit yourself to oral until you get more experience. btw remember the boi will tell all his friends so when U walk into school the next day U may get a lot of stares.

    Maybe U should stay with same s*x experiments first. Most grrls won't go back to school and tell everyone what they did with their grrlfriend.

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