
Read about cervical c****r symptom> heavy discharge?

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from time to time i get sometimes alot of discharge, like today i was sitting on the train home with thin combat trousers on, and when i got it there was a wet patch that was visible through them!

or when i used to work in an office, i would get some discharge and my trousers would smell at the end of the day, i dont know if it was cos of sweaty discharge down there it wasnt a gloopy discharge as such. yuk! i didnt pee my self so assume it must be discharge ive had my period so its not cos of that, theres not any strong smell.

is it just normal? im 28

i feel bad cos i havent had a smear in a long while, i have never had s*x, so was told i didnt really need one.

im worried though abotu cervical infection as i say its not all the time the discharge and there's no pelvic pain apart from period pain, its fine peeing and everything.

i feel like i should get one just for the sake of it.

i hope its just normal discharge. :0-




  1. It's affecting your life, which means it's a problem. I would ask to be referred to a gynaecologist if they can't find an infection.  

  2. Put your mind at rest, see your doctor, get a cervical smear.

    Vaginal secretions are normal and increase around  the time of menstruation.

  3. Generally speaking discharge is perfectly normal, if the discharge smells, this may be an indication of infection. Some women do have more discharge than others

    With regards to your smears, you need to have a smear test, although Cervical Cancer is rare in women who aren't sexually active, however there is still a risk. For this reason you should still have one three yearly regardless.

  4. Hey there,

    It is a common myth that people believe which tells women they do not need a smear test if they are not sexually active.

    Cervical cancer is nothing to do with having s*x, it is to do with cells in the cervix becoming cancerous, this is caused by a virus which lives inside all women, but doesn't affect all women in the same way.

    Also, the jab you speak of does not mean that it is impossible for you to get cancer, it just lessens the chances. However, in britain, they only offer it to girls aged 14 and under, as studies over here showed that it was only effective when given to girls before their cervix became fully formed.

    It is for this reason, i strongly advise you to book in for a smear at your GP. even if they rule out cervical cancer, which i'm sure they will, they can advise you as to what it might be otherwise :)

    Good luck!

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