
Read in one article that karlovic also withdraws due to injury. do u think his late withdrawal favors fed?

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looking at the draw, i can say that NADAL draws is more difficult compared to FED ( nadal has to face both murray and djokovic provided that all of them wins) on the way to finals. very difficult though. WISHING ALL THE BEST RAFA...... VAMOS FOR THE NEW NUMBER 1




  1. whoop de shite nadals draw is harder than rogers, if he wants 2 be number 1 he shud be able 2 beat all 64 players. a draw shud not break or break a players medal chances.

    kan u plz post a link so i can see whether what u said about ivo withdrawing is true?? im a huge fed fan but I hope its not, I like Karlovic!

  2. You are referring to The Olympics, correct?

    I think it favors Fed more so now. I was looking forward to that match being Karlovic beat him last week in 3 tough sets. He is a big server, big guy period and hard to pass him and hit low consistently as Fed found out. As good as Roger is and his return against players like Karlovic with that huge serve, even he struggles. If he can get passed his first opponent, Tursunov, he should be alright to at least semis.

  3. Why are you asking this, the tournament is already over, Nadal lost.

  4. Yes I believe this does make it a bit easier for Roger with Karlovic out of the Olympic games. However I agree with "suvs". With Roger's present frame of mind these days I feel anyone with a little bit of game in them can beat him. Tursunov has been a solid top 20-Top30 player for the last couple years now and I would not be that very surprise if Roger either loses this match or is pushed to three tough sets.

    Finally for "J'Adore Blake♥" the link is the article that officially announces Karlovic's late withdrawal from the games.  

  5. yes it does cos federer lost to karlovic just about a week back.

    but keeping in mind federer's present state i feel even his first round against tursnov is pretty dangerous.

    i am all for nadal.

    hope he wins the gold medal.

    go nadal!

  6. Yes. It favors Federer obviously. Big servers are always hard to handle and with Karlovic out of there, I don't see anyone who can give Federer trouble besides Nalbandian.

    You are talking about the Olympics correct?

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